Chapter 14: A Different Kind of Battle

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With a quick and deft turn to her left, her opponent's thrust was left to meet only empty air and he was left overextended forward. Not unprepared for this, he was quick to shift his own stance, bringing his shield in place to deflect the expected counter: a full rotation out of the dodge to strike at his retreating flank. His sword arm also lifted and rotated, letting his weapon drop in preparation for the possibility that she would instead reverse into a backswing. The block wouldn't have much strength, but neither would the attack due to having to fight her own inertia.

Of course, neither attempted defense did anything to protect him from Leita dropping to a crouch as she let her evasive turn become a full pivot, bringing her weapon low and into his calves. The wooden shaft of the practice weapon was more than solid enough to buckle his legs completely out from under him and send him sprawling backwards, his own practice weapon flying out of his hand. As gracefully as she'd dipped, Leita straightened back up and had the blunted tip of her sword against his chest.

"That was clumsy and stupid, Huelin." Kalder growled, stepping over to pick up the lost weapon. "I'm shocked you've managed to ever survive a fight."

Leita knew that his defense had actually been pretty good. Had she not been more than a full foot shorter than him, she'd had less luck managing to land the blow, as he had almost managed get his shield dropped in time. Huelin was a good combatant, but Kalder absolutely refused to ever give any sort of praise to her. Instead, he just berated her opponents if she managed to get the upper hand. Of course, let them land the blow on her and he gave her ten times worse bluster.

"Yeah, well, most of the people I've had ta fight ain't as good as her." Huelin sighed as he rubbed at his calf a moment. He shot an amicable smirk her way. "I keep fergettin' she's better'n she looks." He gave her a wink.

"Well, a move like that is all pretty when you don't have forty pounds of steel armor on." Kalder sneered. "If she tried something like that in the arena, weighed down and restricted, she'd be a sitting duck if her opponent doesn't actually fall."

Huelin's grin drooped a bit, obviously more intimated by the massive stone-like man than willing to press a defense for Leita. "I guess." He muttered as began picking himself up. "Still a slick move."

Her win against Delso had earned her a good measure of respect among the rest of the stable, as well as a place in the training yard. Winning against someone who'd been employing magic to enhance themselves was seen as a feat that even Kalder had been hard pressed not to acknowledge. Colja's pride in her effort was beyond question, the usually reserved aljin receiving her, animatedly, upon her return to the house. He'd given her a kiss on each side of her temples, a gesture in his culture showing that he honored her ability.

He'd also identified the nature of the small crystal she'd picked up from the arena floor. It was an item used in the casting of spells, though really little more than just a common piece of polished quartz. However, properly prepared and attuned, it could act as a focus for the weaving of magic. Out of the hands of a practitioner of mysticism, it was completely useless and materially worthless, however. For that reason, when Leita asked to keep the stone as a trophy when offered a request for a reward on her victory, the Mistress granted the wish without reservation.

It now sat on a slender leather thong around her neck, tucked away beneath the collar of her tunic. At times, she would sit and just look at the crystal, marveling at it. It was the first thing she'd ever truly owned, even if it was basically just a shiny rock. To Leita, it represented something that she'd found within herself, a strength that she'd never known.

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