Chapter V

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Sunlight was shining onto my eyes through thin curtains and I slowly opened my eyes, only to see me laying on my back and Matt laying on my chest with his arms wrapped around my slim waist

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Sunlight was shining onto my eyes through thin curtains and I slowly opened my eyes, only to see me laying on my back and Matt laying on my chest with his arms wrapped around my slim waist. I smiled at the sight and started to play lightly with Matt's messy bedhead. He looks so peaceful like this. He looks so handsome in the morning light. He stirred slightly and that's when my dad opened my door and immediately saw Matt and I cuddling, in my bed. "What the fuck is this?!" Dad yelled out, making Matt wake up fully and let go of me, looking towards my door and seeing my dad. Fuck. I nervously chuckled and shrugged with an unsure smile. I'll give you one hint on how the morning went; Hell. 


A few hours later, I was posted at Tower 1 in my lifeguard swimsuit. I was looking out through the glass when Matt suddenly came into the tower. "Hey, Cami!" He said with excitement, making me smile. I walked up to him and pecked his lips. "Hi." I said back with a wide smile. "Do you have time to help me study later?" He asked with a hopeful look. He looked so cute, so it was impossible for me to deny him my help. "Yeah, I can help yo-" I stopped mid-sentence as I saw Matt's eyes quickly go to my boobs and then back up to my face. I looked at him with a smirk. "Did you just look at my boobs?" I asked him and I saw a slight blush take place on his cheeks. "No. No, I didn't look at your boobs." He looked at them again and this time he held his gaze there a bit longer. "Oh, really? 'Cause you're looking at them right now." "Now I did 'cause you were talking about them." I then decided to tease him a little bit by jumping up and down. "Testing." He looked at them. "Oh, failed." I said and stopped bouncing. 

I laughed and grinned. "I'm just fucking with you." I said and then he laughed nervously. "So, about yesterday..." I started, but trailed off at the end. Matt nodded and placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer. "Yeah, I've wanted to ask you something since then, so I'm just gonna ask now. Will you be my girlfriend, Cami?" A grin slowly grew on my face until it basically went from ear-to-ear. "Of course! I'd love to be your girl." "Seriously?" He asked with a small smile. I nodded quickly. "Yeah." He grinned before replacing it with a cocky smirk. "So that means I get to kiss you whenever I feel like it then?" He asked with a hint of seductiveness in his voice. I smirked and pulled my lower lip in-between my teeth. "Yeah. I guess you do, then." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my hips tighter and pulled me close into his body. I then placed his lips onto mine and kissed me with such passion. Suddenly he tapped my right thigh, signaling for me to jump, so I did. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he suddenly placed me onto a counter that was in the room. 

But before we got too carried away, someone cleared their throat, making us pull away and look towards the person. That's when we saw my dad, Steph, Summer, C.J and Ronnie looking right at us. God, the embarrassment I feel right now is so real, it's terrifying. "Surprise?" I said, but I sort of came out more as a question. Dad put his hands on his hips, looking like he was about to strangle Brody. Brody stepped away from me and I got down from the counter when dad started moving towards us. Well, more like towards Brody. "You gonna break my daughters heart, High School Musical?" Matt shook his head as he put his hands behind his back. "No, sir." Dad then looked at me and pointed at Matt. "Does he make you happy?" I smiled lightly and nodded. "Yeah, dad." He then turned back to Brody. "Will you take care of her?" He nodded his head. "Of course, I will, sir." He answered back to my dad. "Well then. Take care of each other and use protection!" Dad yelled out the last part as he walked away and out of Tower 1. 

My eyes widened and my face reddened in embarrassment. "Oh my god, dad!" I yelled back in complete shock. Matt and the others just laughed. I went to Brody and hugged him, burying my face into his chest, trying my best to hide. He just chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to his body.


It's been a little while since dad and the others saw Brody and I making out in the tower. I was currently putting in new supplies on the AVT's so that they are ready whenever we need them. I looked at the tower and saw Brody standing inside, looking at me with a pair of binoculars. I smiled and waived at him. He smiled back and waived, right before dad stepped in front of the binoculars, scaring Matt. I laughed and continued with my thing. Suddenly I head dad yell out. "Okay, call Coast Guard. We got a 10-73. I'm gonna take the waverunner. You, C.J, Cami and Summer take Rescue One. Go, go, go!" My eyes widened as I heard what was happening. Shit. "Cami! What's a 10-73?" Matt yelled out as he made his way down form Tower 1. "Fire, babe!" I yelled out back to him and started making my way to Rescue One. "Fire? What does that mean? In the ocean?" I love how confused he is. "I'll help you study later!" I yelled out and I met up with C.J and the others at Rescue One. 

Steph, C.J, Summer and I were almost there and there was a lot of smoke, everywhere. I saw dad signaling for us to go to the Portside of the boat. "Portside of the boat." I said and Steph drove to where we needed to be. "C.J!"  Dad yelled out, and she jumped off the boat and into the water. When she surfaced, she immediately swam to the girl dad had thrown off the boat and into the water. Suddenly I saw Matt take off his shirt, making my breath stop for a seconds. I admired his body for a second until I realized what he was about to do. He was about to go into the water. Suddenly I heard a small explosion but I didn't remove my eyes from Matt. "Brody, don't you dare go under that fire!" I yelled out. He looked at me quickly before diving in. "Brody!" I yelled out, knowing that he was gonna get in serious trouble. 

A/N: Hello!!!! Here's another update, lovely reader! I know I cut up the chapters but if I don't, they will be too long and I don't want long ass chapter. Please, just be patient with me, thank you. Love you all!! 

The Lifeguard Hottie - Matt Brody [COMPLETED] (Under Heavy Construction!!)Where stories live. Discover now