Ink angst 1/MANY

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TW: Stitched mouth and r@pe/ Non-con implications (Like it's seriously just vague hinting at it, no one has to worry)

Ink had his mouth cruelly stitched shut by some people in a new AU. He found it difficult to adapt to this but he managed one adaptation by carrying around a notebook and pencil when he encountered someone that didn't know sign language. He's lucky that he knew sign language since it was in the mix of knowing Wing Dings.

Another was wearing a face mask 24/7 to cover the wounds that littered his mouth not wanting to scare anyone away. He was getting used to the muteness he gave everyone, he spaced out in the doodle sphere and he looked around.

'Oh, shit- how long was I- what time is it?' Ink thought, he checked the time and it was 9:00 pm. He could probably still make it...

He grabbed his brush and made a portal to Ccino's cafè.

Chino was just cleaning up and perked up seeing Ink stand there "Oh! Hi there Ink do you need anything" He asked as he walked over to Ink,

Ink opened the notebook, wrote something down then teleported over a box of three kittens all of different cat breeds, put it with the note he just wrote and handed it to Ccino

Ccino held the box and looked at the note which read: Sorry for not showing up earlier, spaced out for a bit

Ccino looked at Ink, and he smiled "It's okay Ink don't worry, but didn't you say there were four?"

Ink wrote on the box: I decided to take care of one

Ccino read it and then nodded "Okay, and if you need any help with them I'll be glad to help"

Ink nodded

Ccino then puts the box on the ground, letting the kittens get out if they want to "So, Dream told me that you got your mouth sewn shut but someone right?"

Ink nodded

Ccino frowned as if he was hoping it wasn't true "Oh... It doesn't hurt, does it? I'd hate to know that you're in pain"

Ink wrote in the notebook: I'll be fine, no they don't hurt and the bleeding cleared up. I'm okay seriously

Ccino nodded "If you say so, I'd ask if you'd like to stay but I'm pretty sure you have other things to do"

Ink nodded and waved goodbye then teleported away.

Once Ink got home he looked around the house he made, taking off the mask and stuffing it in his pocket. He walked over to the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror.

The blood-stained wire or thread or whatever they used was still sewn tightly into his skull, there was no way to get it out no matter what. The dark circles under his eye sockets didn't help with much, only making Dream more concerned than he already was. He did hate the stitches but he has no other choice.. even if that means injecting the vials directly into his bones for them to have an effect still, well it's less of one now but who cares. It works and he's not a souless husk. He jolted, feeling something soft and furry brush past his leg, he stepped back and looked at it and he saw a little Bombay kitten with vitiligo staring back at him. Ink smiled as softly as he could and picked up the kitten, Then looked at himself in the mirror once more before leaving the room.


He laid down in bed, staring at the ceiling, his thoughts bouncing around in his head, it's not paranoid thoughts for once so that's a plus.

He then heard his front door creek open.

Ink snapped up looking down the hall, his non-existent soul going a mile a minute. He slowly got up and went to investigate the noise; grabbing Broomie and slowly made his way to the front door

'is this some weird horror movie thing?' He thought as he began walking around his house trying to see if everything was in order, he even went to check on the kitten. He then froze when he felt a presence behind him and a knife was brought to his neck, he looked at his attacker the best he could-clenching his brush more tightly.

"Ah ah ah, if you'd like to live then I suggest you do exactly what I tell you to Ink." The man said from behind him

Ink attempted to attack the man but he was swiftly disarmed and shoved to the ground. Ink struggled but failed to do anything, he would've demanded to be freed, but his mouth was stitched shut. He was helpless.


He couldn't scream for help, He couldn't run away, he couldn't tell him to stop...

When the man soon left, Ink felt sick to his stomach. He could barely think, he just noticed the searing pain in his ankles but he ignored it and just got up, getting rid of the ecto he was forced to summon during that act; he hobbled over to his door and closed it tightly, locking it then trying the door opened

Ink facepalmed, right. His lock was broken and he never got it replaced. 'Well isn't it the consequences of my actions' he thought as he moved some stuff in front of the door to just.. keep it shut, Then he went to check on the kitten.

The kitten was curled up in a little ball, sleeping peacefully. Ink gently petted them, startling the kitten awake.

Ink picked up the kitten and brought them to his room, he honestly needed the company right now.

He slept with his light on that night, too scared to sleep in the total darkness of his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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