Zac immediately pulled her into him again rubbing her back.

Zac- baby I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I promise to protect you from here on out. I'm right here and I'm not leaving.

Zac held Fatima as she cried. After a couple mins she breaks the silence.

Fatima- Zac?

Zac- yeah?

Fatima- how do you feel about me? Be honest.

Zac- wow umm, okay.. I care about you, a lot! After all this time you still give me butterflies. Like my heart is beating so fast right. T, I never stopped loving you. I just learned how to deal with it because I thought you were happy. Truth is I want you, all of you. I remember wanting you to be my wife, and having our own little family. Living our fairytale life.. you know with the big house and white picket fence *smiling* I just wanted to show you how to be loved properly. I wanted to take care of you. I just wanted you and...

Fatima sat up and looked him in his eyes.

Fatima- and what Zac?

Zac- T, I... I still want you. Baby we don't have to rush. We can go as slow as you wana go, but I don't want to lose you again. If you only want to be my friend then that's fine too. I'm just asking you to hear me out.

Fatima is silent while taking in everything that he is saying.

Zac- you okay?

Fatima- *looking down* yeah I'm okay.

Zac- *lifts her chin up, locks eyes with her* ima address this one time and one time only. Stop looking down. I'm not him. I won't hurt you. You don't have to be like that with me. Maintain that eye contact when we talk, because I want you to understand me clearly. Got it?

Fatima nods her head.

Zac- *scoots closer to her* use your words, speak. You got it?

Fatima- yes.

Zac- *stands up* good *takes his suit jacket and tie off*

Fatima- zac wait!!! I'm not ready I can't do...

Zac- T woah chill *laughs* I'm just getting comfortable, that's it. Sex is the last thing on my mind. *he says as he sits back down*

Fatima- I'm sorry, I'm just..

Zac- stop apologizing. You are fine.

Fatima- why are you so sweet to me? All I did was hurt you.

Zac- I told you I'm past that. You the only one still thinking about it. You just made a decision that you thought was best for you. It's in the past and we are fine. All that matters is that I have you now, and I'm not going anywhere.

Fatima- thank you for listening to me. I didn't know how bad I needed to vent.

Zac- I don't mind being there for people that I love.

Fatima- you still love me?

Zac- I never stopped butterfly.

Fatima didn't say anything else. She slowly climbed on top of Zac, straddling him.

Zac- T, what you doing?

Fatima- shhhh

Fatima grabbed Zac's face as she placed soft pecks on his lips. She stopped and looked him in his eyes. He pulled her in, and the kisses started to become more passionate. She softly bit his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He happily accepted. They both began to let out soft moans as they explored each other's mouths with their tongue. Zac's hands began roam. As they searched for the perfect stopping point on her body, she began grinding on him. Fatima broke the kiss as she placed soft kisses on his neck. Zac began to rise as he groaned in pleasure. He pulled her closer to him and she could feel herself throbbing.. wanting to be in his skin.. wanting him to make to love until she cried... she craved skin to skin.

Danni- well well well. What's going on down here? *she asked smirking*

They both looked up and laughed.

Zac- mind your business D.

Fatima- *smiling* how long have you been there?

Danni- oh long enough, damn T. That lil kissing scene made me a little hot and bothered. I might have to go wake Preston up.

In unison- *laughing* DANNI!!

Danni- I kid I kid. Don't mind me though I just came down to get a water. I'll be out of your hair

Zac- yo Danni it's cool. *taps Fatima's leg* let me up baby. I need to go handle something real quick. *he says as he stands up*

Fatima- okay.

Zac- *bends down* come upstairs when you finish talking to D, okay?

Fatima- I will.

Zac kisses Fatima a few times biting and sucking on her bottom lip with the last one before he heads upstairs. As Zac leaves Danni walks over and sits on the couch.

Danni- *smiling* I take it the talk went good.

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