Chapter 6: tears and rules

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Pain reminds us we're alive. Tears are okay to be cried. -E. R.

A few hours went by that felt like minutes. All I could think about is Mason, which I'm not sure why... Sure he's good looking, he's funny, he's smart, and have you seen his lips?

Ugh! No! Jazzy! Stop, feelings are not allowed here. I groaned as I sat up on the edge of the bed. My arm pulsed with pain. "Argh," I groaned flinching. Dylan then came into the tent.

"Whoa! Hey! Don't do that!" He rushed over to me and carefully laid me down. "Dylan, it's my arm not my body that's hurt..." I groaned as more pain shot through my arm.

"I- I know but still..." it was silent for a second. "Well could you at least help me outside, being in here for so long is just not right! And is torture for my brain!" I said dramatically.

"Fine." he put an arm under my back and grabbed my arm. He sat me up and pulled me off the bed to my feet. When my arm jerked to hit my body when I hit the ground the pain was even more intense.

I bit my lip and tried not to show any pain, so Dylan wouldn't think I'm still too hurt. We walked outside slowly. He wrapped his right arm around my waist to keep me upright, I know he wasn't trying to touch my waist just to touch me, he was trying to actually help.

I held onto his shoulder, being in a bed for so long not asleep my legs feel weak. We walk to the town center and the sun has disappeared behind the tall trees and the moon is climbing up to it's watchtower over the world.

Then a large outburst of joyful screaming and laughter as smiles flashed by my face a crowd gathered around someone, or something.

"What's going on?" I asked Dylan. "Masons back." he said with a small smile on his face. We shuffled over to the crowd that opened up a small path for the two of us.

He was smiling looking at someone else then hugging his attention to the two of us coming towards him. His smile got wider when he saw us.

Then his eyes shot down to The hand Dylan had firmly on my waist. Once we got close Dylan noticed and removed his hand.

"I'm happy both of you are okay. How are you taking to the village?" Mason asked. I looked around "It's cute. I wouldn't really know I've been in a tent all day." I stated as Mason chuckled.

"And your arm?" He asked lifting it up as pain echoed throughout every nerve. "Ow!" I shouted as my fingers cringed with pain.

"Nothing, just let go it hurts!" I say as he squeezed my arm tighter, I tried to fight back tears. "Please Mason let go!" I said trying to pulled away but was helpless to his strength.

"Mason! Let go of her arm! She's in pain!" Dylan yelled stepping closer. "Sit!" Mason yelled out, the whole crowd going down and lowering their heads in shame, Dylan still staring at Mason. "Dylan! Sit!" Mason gritted.

A few seconds still staring at Mason went by and he finally backed up and sat down. Mason squeezed my arm more. "AH!" I yelled feeling as through the cut was spreading.

He unwrapped my arm and picked me up over to the fire. "Mason please!" I said weak. He sat me down and took a blue stick and stuck it over the flames. "Wh-what are you doing?" I said with wide eyes.

"This is a medicine stick. It's gonna help you I promise." he said looking into my eyes, his still a bright yellow and his pupils huge.

He turned over my arm and put the edge of the stick across my cut. It burned a bit "Argh!" I curled my left arms fingers into the wooden seat.

The stick left a blue trail across my arm, it felt like hot wax retracting heat back into your nerves. A tear escaped and Mason set the stick back into a bucket. He looked up at me with a worried expression, I tried to keep my eyes on my arm hoping the heat would stop.

I felt a thumb on my cheek wiping away a tear. "I'm sorry... I had to cause your arm more pain, it was the only way the medicine stick would work." I looked up at him.

I wiped away the remaining tears. "B-But why didn't Dylan's grandmother just do that?" I asked. "Dylan's grandmother isn't his grandmother, everyone in the pack calls her that because she's the oldest and the wisest. And she smelled my scent on you and knew I wouldn't accept the fact she went ahead and healed you when you were my responsibility." he concluded.

"Rise!" He yelled, and the crowd stood. "Disburst." he said and everyone went back to the directions they came from. Dylan and grandmother came over to us.

"Mason, please forgive me. I didn't want to disobey your word." Dylan said kneeling. "You were not to touch her like that Dylan and you knew that. Go to your tent and I will talk to you later." Mason said trying not to sound angry.

"Mason!" Dylan insisted "Now!" "No!" I interfered. "He wasn't meaning to touch me like that. He wasn't even touchy skin just the edge I my shirt, Mason. Besides why should you care? I'm not your girlfriend." Dylan's eyes grew wide.

"You really don't know anything about our rules do you?" He asked "Dylan!" Mason yelled "Don't be rude." I raised a brow "What are you talking about? Rules?" I asked.

"Come, I'll take you to my tent. We may talk there." Mason said pulling me else where.

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