Part 12

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Jensen POV

They had made their way to Jensen's rented apartment and had devoured their tacos. Jensen was right, these were the best she had ever had. Although the fact that she had only been living in the States for just over a year now, that wasn't a difficult feat.

They were now snuggled up together on the couch, making idle chit chat. Angelina, having showered in the spare bathroom while Jensen got changed in his.

" I really like seeing you in my clothes" Jensen had blurted out rather randomly.

" Uhm rhanks? I must admit I really like wearing them." Angelina replied, once again pulling down the slightly too short hoodie. Jensen had given her an old worn out stretched "You are not alone" hoodie and a pair of boxers that the kids had given him for his last Father's day. They had put money together and picked it out themselves. They were so proud of their purchase that he didnt have the heart to tell them it was three sizes too big. The fact that it had teddy bears all over it, was just beyond words. Now he was only to happy that he had it in the back of his drawer.

"But I don't like the fact that you smell like my body wash now. I prefer yours. You normally smell of coconuts." Jensen continued, once again smelling the join of her neck and shoulder.

"I swear if I didn't know better, I would definitely say you had a bit too much caveman in you." Angelina joked back.

"I totally resent that remark. I am not a caveman! Although you do seem to bring out my Tarzan side." He said , proceeding to jump up, dropping her to the couch and jump around like a monkey." Me Tarzan ,you Jane. I keep you yes?"

Letting out a snort,Angelina bellowed out in laughter at his actions, nodding an affirmation to his question, but was then cut silent as she watched Jensen do a perfect rendition of the Tarzan call when he saw her nod.

" Fuck me! Is there anything that you can't do. That was amazing!"

"Well, I did promise to behave myself so I will have to decline your demand my dear lady. But thank you for my Tarzan praise." Jensen replied back jovially and then continued more somber, " But believe me there are a lot of things I dont do well."

"Yeah like what? I mean look at you, you are absolutely gorgeous, and yet you are still friendliest person, you are so fucking talented that it just astounds me how you have not won every award- I am going to just blame the CW for that. You seem to be the best son, father, friend, husband. Shall I continue?"

"Well let me just get my phone and get you to repeat that. I can use it as my daily affirmation."

"Jensen, I'm serious. Especially when it comes to your acting and music career."

" Thank you, but I am just human you know,- no immortal god remember. " Jensen replied referencing an earlier conversation." No, there are things that I am not good at. I have my own insecurities and doubts like everyone else. If I was a better husband, I might not be divorced, If I didn't work so much, I could spend more time with my kids in person, instead of on a screen. If I was a better actor, maybe I could win awards. If I wasn't acting and producing and directing or helping out at the brewery, maybe I could be a better musician. Maybe if I wasn't always working I could have my family close by- Be a better father, spouse,son, partner , all the things that I feel I am failing at." Jensen lamented. Wow that took a turn towards Serious Station. No more whiskey for me. You haven't drunken yours?"

"Yeah sorry. I normally drink JD Honey, so this is a bit Woah for me. I mean it's good, don't get me wrong but just taking it slowly as I can feel it will hit me one shot." Angelina replied, trying to help change the subject and mood.
" JD Honey?"

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