Wendy and Charlie said that they kept in the air with the help of special lacrima, which contain the magic of flight, but it still seemed too incredible.

There were admiring gasps and sighs of those before whose eyes the incredible beauty of another world opened. The islands, calmly floating high in the sky, looked incredibly majestic.

Cale seemed very small against their background. Probably even dragons in real form wouldn't be big enough to match them.

"Son..." Derut was worried for a completely different reason. His eldest son walked quite calmly along the edge of the abyss, the depth of which, probably, the inhabitants of that world did not know either. The count was very afraid that he would stumble and fall. However, Cale moved forward confidently enough, jumping over live roots that tried to grab his legs, and even large enough cracks.

It seemed that this was not the first time he had walked so far, although, judging by the dialogue, he had chosen this path for the first time.

Alberu looked at it thoughtfully, noting that only elves could move with such grace. Well, or dragons. And probably a sword master. However, it didn't look like the eldest son of the Henituse family was any of that. So why such agility and ease of movement?

Cale once again jumped over a not too big obstacle in his path, examining the dilapidated stone slabs under his feet.

All these cliffs were clearly not built by nature. Too smooth edges and a smooth surface that could be felt despite all the destruction. He's probably walking through the wreckage of an ancient civilization right now.

"Is there an ancient civilization there too?"

"What's so interesting about this wreckage?" an aristocrat muttered irritably, snorting indecently. He saw no value in anything that could not bring him money or power.

Cage glanced irritably in his direction, and then sadly took a sip of wine. If Taylor were here, he would be very angry at this disregard for history. But, unfortunately, it is no longer there. She looked at the landscape with dead eyes, thinking that he would really like this view.

He was very curious. He had read about ancient times in his home world, but he still didn't know much about them. However, it is likely that in this world he can safely study the remains of an ancient civilization, since now he can do whatever he wants.

This is probably the first time in his not very long life when he did not have to play for the sake of the well-being of his family and the Basen.


"Was he pretending to be trash?"

"But why?"

The aristocrats, who only craved money and power, were very surprised. They did not understand why they should pretend to be someone pathetic in order not to take the place of the count.

Derut, Violan, as well as Lily and Basen looked at the screen with tears in their eyes.

"Ho?" Ron drawled dangerously, surprised that this puppy managed to deceive even him.

Choi Hong also frowned, trying to figure out if the words that Cale said to him were the same game? And if there were, why did he say them at all?

But Alberu and Rosalyn, as well as Eruhaben, looked at the boy in a new light.

"Wendy!" shouted Cale, finally reaching the edge of the cliff. The height beneath him was breathtaking. A powerful gust of wind suddenly tore off the edge, ruffling his hair and ruffling his clothes.

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