Chapter 8 : A Day Out

Start from the beginning

"Get in first, then I'll tell you." She opened the door and sat on the passenger seat. "I took a day off so that we could spend some time together today."

"But why all of a sudden? Is there something special today?"

He took off his mask now that no one was around and said, "We don't need a special day to have a good time. I know me being busy all the time makes it hard for you sometimes. So I thought this would be a great opportunity for us to bond." He smiled and his eyes formed a cresent shape.

"You want us to bond?" Haein said being confused.

"Yeah, since we're a family now we should spend some time together. And this is your age to go out and have fun like others your age. So yeah, that's why we're going out."

She was touched by his thoughtfulness. "You're really awesome, Chris. Even my real father never did anything like this," her gaze lowered as she faintly smiled.

"Well, I'm doing it now. And we promised to not think about the past anymore, remember? Now," he gave her a bag. "Eat it up. You must be hungry."

"But where are we going?"

"I have some options for us. We could go to a karaoke store or the amusement park or do you have something else in mind?"

"Uh... how about the amusement park?" Haein suggested.

"Then amusement park it is," Chan started the car and drove to the amusement park. Haein on the other hand, ate the sandwich he had brought for her.


"Wow! It's been a long time since I came to the amusement park," Haein stated as she looked around.

"Which ride do you wanna go on first?" Chan asked.

"That one!" Haein pointed at the pirate ship ride.

"Okay then, let's go," Chan said and pulled her hand, taking her to the ride. The two of them screamed on the whole ride but enjoyed it. They rode quite a few more rides including the ferris wheel, the roller-coaster and many more.

"Chris, can we go there now?" Haein pointed towards the go karts.

"Sure, whatever you like," Chan replied as they walked towards the go karts. Before Haein got in there, Chan put a helmet on her head and buckled it up. "There, go now."

"Aren't you coming?" Haein asked.

"Nah, I'd rather skip this one. I'll have fun watching you," he gave her back a pat.

"Oh, okay," Haein said and went to the go karts track where the karts were kept. She got inside the kart and put on her seat belt.

She got ready to start driving but then she heard Chan's voice, "Haein!" She looked at him who was standing outside the track. "Smile," Chan said as he held his phone to click a picture of her. Haein made two peace signs with both her hands and smiled.

Chan clicked her picture and showed her a thumbs up indicating he was done

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Chan clicked her picture and showed her a thumbs up indicating he was done. After that Haein started driving the go kart with a bunch of other people driving besides her. Chan just watched her from afar with a fatherly smile. Watching her happy, gave him happiness too.


"What now?" Haein asked Chan. They were currently sitting on a bench at the park. They were done riding all the rides already.

"Do you know how to play Pokémon Go?" Chan asked.

"No," she replied.

"Do you wanna play then? I can teach you. We could catch some Pokémons," Chan suggested.

"Okay," Haein agreed.

"Give me your phone," Chan extended his hand towards her. Haein pulled out her phone from her pocket and gave it to him. Chan installed Pokémon Go on her phone and made her an account. "What username should we keep for you?"

"In.H10," Haein replied after thinking for a while. After making her account, Chan downloaded the map of that area and taught Haein to catch Pokémons. They ran around the whole area catching Pokémons.

"Haein! There, behind you!" Chan shouted as he pointed behind her. Haein immediately turned around and caught the little creature. After catching enough Pokémons, Chan and Haein decided to have a little battle. Haein being an amateur, lost. Chan squealed in joy once he won.

"This game is stupid!" Haein yelled as she got up from the bench they were sitting on.

"Hey hey hey! Don't blame the game now. You lost."

"Let's go home," Haein said trying to avert his attention.

"Didn't know you were such a sore loser," Chan gave her a side eye.

"I'm not," Haein gave him a bombastic side eye too.

"Sheesh, fine," Chan suppressed a smile. The two then left for their home. On the ride back home, Chan couldn't stop teasing Haein for losing. Haein just quietly tolerated it all.


A/n : I don't even know what this is. I had to write something so I did. I have so many more chapters in the drafts that I wanna publish soon. The next chapters will be better hopefully.

Adoption (Gone Wrong) » Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now