"Look carefully, you stupid kids. Every other class except class D got some points. The amount of points you guys have should still be plenty enough to last for a month."

"H-how do the other classes have any points left? That's strange..."

"I'll tell you, but it's not like this is some kind of fraud. For this past month, all the classes were judged by the same rules. Nevertheless, they didn't lose as many points as you guys did. That's a fact."

"How... how is there so much difference in points between the classes?"

Hirata also noticed something odd about the numbers. The differences in points were too clean.

"Did you guys finally understand? Why you were put in class D." Chabashira sensei said 

"The reason we were put in class D? Isn't that because we were appropriate for this school?"

"Eh? That's how ordinary classes work, you know?"

Everyone exchanged glances except me and koenji even Ayanokouji is looking at our classmates for reaction.

"In this school, all the students are divided into classes by merit. The best students are put in class A. The worst in class D. Well, it's a system that's found in major cram schools. In other words, class D is the collection of leftovers. That also means that you are the worst students, the defective products of this school. This is really an outcome worthy of defective students."

Horikita's face stiffened. Looks like the reason behind the class division really shocked her.

Certainly, it's better to put smart people with other smart people, and incapable people with other incapable people.If you put rotten mandarins with good mandarins, the good mandarins will rot faster. It's inevitable that the superior Horikita is in shock at this sort of division

"However, this class D is the first one to lose all their points in the first month. On the contrary, I applaud you for living so lavishly until now. How praiseworthy."

Chabashira-sensei's unnatural applause reverberated in the classroom.

"After hitting zero points, does that mean we will always stay at zero points forever?"

"Yea. Your points will stay at 0 until graduation. However, be at ease, since you can still use your dorms, and there are free meals in the cafeteria. You won't die."

Although a student life with only the bare minimum is possible, a lot of the students probably won't like it. After all, the students lived their lives this month while indulging in every single possible luxury. Suddenly, having to live a life a self-control looks really hard for a lot of the students.

"We will be made fun of by the other classes now!"

Sudou kicked his desk with a bang. After having learned that the classes are divided by merit, everyone will probably make fun of class D as the group of idiots. It's not unreasonable to be despairing.

"What, you're still holdin your pride, Sudou? Then do you help the class and try to make this worst class improve up to the best class"


"These class points aren't just linked to the amount of money you get each month. It's also indicative of the class rank."

So, in other words... if, for example, class D had held onto 500 points, they would be promoted to being class C. This is really like a company assessment.

"All right, I have one more piece of bad news I have to tell you guys."

She put one more piece of paper onto the blackboard. The names of all the classmates were listed. Next to everyone's name was a number.

The Sleeping Genuis (Cote x OC) (Under Reconstruction)Where stories live. Discover now