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So Izuku has been hanging out with kacchan for a while at school and Toru was watching from a distance to make sure he was okay

It was lunchtime and Toru lost Izuku she ate her lunch and search for him it took a while but she found him on the roof of the school with kacchan

When she made it up there to find a fuzzy tail wagging back and forth when she took a closer look to find out Izuku had a tail how could she not notice it before she must touch it soon

She walked up to see Izuku enjoying his time with kacchan when she gives him a lollipop she put it in his mouth he enjoyed it

Kacchan: heyyy Toru/ she didn't turn around

Izuku grows a smile: hey Toru!

She sit down next to them watching this kacchan

Toru: hey "kacchan" what is your

She was cut off

Kure:oh actually my name is Kure bakugo but I guess since your izus friend/

Toru: right Kure what is your quirk?

Kure: oh it's a good one

Name Kure von bakugo
Hight 6'2
Age 15

Likes spicy food and Izuku making plans with back up plans Dislikes Toru villain people who think she is just a girl

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Likes spicy food and Izuku making plans with back up plans
Dislikes Toru villain people who think she is just a girl

Powers energy absorption and projection, manipulating electricity, creating protective shields, dimensional travel, healing, creating blizzards and summoning hordes of demonic creatures/ I look this shit up like hell of and being super smart

Kure: but I call it magic or B.I.O oh izu I have a present for you I know I been gone for a long time but I think you will like this/ she pull out a par of contact lenses she grabbed his face and forced them on his eyes

Kure: it might take a minute to work

After a whole minute Izuku started to blink a lot when he gasped

Toru worried: hey izu what's wrong?!

Izuku started to cry: I I can see/ he started to cry and smile saying thank you over and over again when steam was coming from his eyes it was a great pain he lost his smile and started to scream in agony as his eyes are bleeding

Kure and Toru try everything to help but not even Kure healing power could help him maybe later but Kure accidentally teleport away leaving Izuku and Toru together she picks him up and fly him to her dad to save him she has to go nova for a second they arrive in a few seconds and she rushes him to the lab

She slammed open the door

Toru: dad pls help me!

Richard: wha/ seeing Izuku he grabs him and scans him and pulls out the lenses with his hands but after he did he throws it into the garbage as a little flame

Toru: what happened dad

Richard: nothing bad but this things was still experimental but I have almost perfected the item to help his eyes but because of this now who gives him those lenses

Toru: a friend of his named Kure bakugo

Richard was surprised: I have a call to make ok honey he will need to stay here for a few days

Toru: ok day

She walked out of the lab

Reed Richards his name I'll call him reed now

Reed was making a call to a old enemy

?????: hello?

Reed: vector

Vector: hello reed it's been a while

Reed: yes but we have a problem

Vector: what happened? Am kinda dealing with my own problem

Reed: you see your daughter has given my daughter friend a experimental lenses but it backfired

Vector: shit so that what happened ok I made those lenses so Kure friend could see

Reed: ok am working on my own it seems like this is a problem for us ok sorry about this mess

Vector: it's fine all in the past

As Kure was crying her eyes out her father patted her back as he got an idea well it would make her feel better but she didn't want to do the clones of Izuku to serve her command she wanted the real one

Let skip a few days Izuku got better but was sick because of his lack food in his stomach so he had to eat a lot more than usual and it was slightly working as he was giving the glasses that were supposed to help with his vision how it works.......

Don't ask

He was enjoying his day as Toru was giving a masked by her he was told he just had to wear it for a few minutes he put it on

He was enjoying his day as Toru was giving a masked by her he was told he just had to wear it for a few minutes he put it on

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She took so many pictures of this as she took a few selfies with him

After that she took it off him and put him on his own bed as she tell him to go to sleep


I hope you enjoy your time

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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