Ivlin x Villainess!Reader ¤Call Me Master¤

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CW: Biting/Marking, Bondage, Overstimulation, Con Noncon, Humiliation, Degradation,

Reader is a MILF in this particular fic as requested. C/N if for Child's Name. It shouldn't come up all to often though. 


I cringed as I heard something behind my desk fall to the ground. There were two giggles that lifted into the air musically. I grunted in annoyance, turning my head to look at the small culprits. Poemi and C/N peer back at me with mischievous eyes. 

"What are you two doing?" I ask, looking at the equipment on the ground by their feet. 

"Nothing, mama!" C/N exclaims. 

I raise an eyebrow and sigh, rubbing my temples. "Ivlin, can you get the children to leave my lab! I'm trying to work!" I call. 

Both girls begin whining noisily but I ignore them as Ivlin slips into the doorway. 

"C'mon, you gotta let Y/N focus," Ivlin explains calmly. 

"Don't wanna!" Poemi shouts, her spoiled attitude getting the better of her again. 

Ivlin's gentle features turned into one of authority and power. "Maybe you should go play with Pooch, feed him someone or something." The warning resounded clearly inside my cluttered lab and the girls both looked at Ivlin before nodding fervently. 

Poemi grabbed C/N's hand and the ran off giggling as soon as they left the room. I sighed deeply and turned back to my work, reviewing the numbers in my calculations, trying to find errors in my always flawless work. As I did so, I could feel the devil's quiet piercing gaze on my back. 

I did my best to ignore her, jotting down some more calculations and hypothesis for material replacements, but, as I heard her slowly close the door and lock it my head turned. "What are you doing?" I ask, watching her closely as she walked towards me.

"Thought, I'd keep you company," she replies, grabbing a chair and dragging it towards me. It scrapes against the stone floors as she positions it directly behind mine. 

I raise my eyebrow suspiciously. "I'm trying to focus," I informed. 

"Right, well, you won't even know I'm here." Ivlin smiles and pushes her long dark hair past her shoulders. 

I nod, knowing I probably couldn't get her out of my room without making a huge stink of the situation anyways. I turn back to my work. Ivlin's slim arms drape themselves over my shoulders and I pause in my tracks as she pulls herself close. Her large breasts press into my back, the warmth from them seeping through the fabric of my lab coat and shirt underneath. 

"What are you doing?" I ask, annoyed. 

"Don't be so short tempered," she tells me, fingers playing with the collar of the pristine white of the long coat.

"Your one to talk," I snap back, frowning. "I'll never be able to get you this portal machine if you keep distracting me."

"And you'll never get home, either." She leans her head on my shoulder, voice soft. "If you don't focus that is," Ivlin adds. 

I groan. "Bitch," I say, irritated.

"That's not what you called me last night," she retorted. My cheeks darkened at the reminder of the shameful display the night before. I stewed in it for only a moment, though, before stifling it and shaking my head. 

My attention back to my work, we stayed like that for a while. The silence encompassed the room and while my mind was occupied and stimulated with the math calculations before me, Ivlin continued to play with the coat collar. Slowly her hands began to dance farther down, unbuttoning my lab attire subtly.

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