A Place to Call Home

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I HAVEN'T WRITTEN IN SO LONGGG!! I'm so SO SORRY! It's mainly because school keeps me busy! Anyways this Y/N or "You" is GN. This is also an Adult John Doe and Child Y/N! THIS IS NOT A SHIP OF AN ADULT AND CHILD!! I DON'T SUPPORT THAT STUFF!! Anyways, enjoy! Thanks for the request MayorDebbie I hope you like it!

Y/N's POV:

I ran away from home. It wasn't very smart, but it's better than the life I have at home. My name is Y/N, but you probably already know that by now. I come from an abusive family. I'm only 7 years old. My family treats me badly though. I've gone through physical abuse, mental abuse, and verbal abuse. It's not very fun. Enough about me though, let's get back to the situation at hand..

I packed a few things before I left actually. I have a bag with me that has canned foods, some water, a blanket, and some money too. I actually... don't know where I will go, but I'll find somewhere to go. Luckily, my parents didn't notice me leaving the house. I don't think they actually ever cared enough... I'm now walking down the street, on my own. A young kid just walking down the street, by themselves, carrying a bag with them. Some people did stare a bit, but I didn't pay any attention to them. I went to the local grocery store to get some more supplies.

I looked around for a bit. I got a few more canned foods for the road. I also grabbed an apple for myself. While I was looking, I saw a strange man in the isle with me. He had long black curly hair. Big eyes and many teeth that were both yellow in color. He wore a black shirt with a red design, a black or grey jacket that wasn't worn properly, blackish brown jeans and black shoes. He was giving me a worried look... I wasn't sure what he wanted until he came up to me.

"Excuse me... But.. Are you here by yourself?.. Where are your parents?..." He asked me. I frowned a bit. "I'd rather not talk about my parents sir.." The strange guy nodded in agreement. He spoke up again. "What is your name?.." I gave him a look before telling him. "It's... Y/N.." I told him. He looked confused for a second. "What about your last name?..." I shook my head in disagreement. "I rather not say." I told him again. He only nodded, understanding what I meant. He continued to ask questions to understand the situation. "So... Did you.. run away?" He asked awkwardly. I nodded. "Yeah... My home life isn't the greatest.." I told him. He nodded again. "I'm sorry to hear that..." He said before staying silent, trying to think of what to say next. I asked him a question now. "You haven't told me your name sir.." I asked him. He perked up and looked back at me again. "Oh! My bad! My name is... uh... John Doe. Either John or Doe works too.." He said a bit in an awkward tone. I nodded in reply. "Well, It's nice to meet you John Doe.." I told him. He nodded again. "You too, Y/N."

After the conversation, he actually offered to help out. He helped me pick out some stuff that I could use. I was glad to count on him. Maybe, and just maybe... We could be good friends.. Maybe even family..

THIS WAS REALLY SHORT!! IM SO SORRY!! I don't have the motivation to write much yet! I enjoyed writing this. And again, THIS IS NOT A SHIP OF A MINOR AND ADULT!!! IT'S PLATONIC!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot! Thank you for the request again! I'll see you guys soon! :)

(Mainly) John Doe One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now