Little Red Lambing Hood

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I skip down the tranquil forest trail with my lunch in hand. My hooves clop against the ground after each step. I've prepared a sizable basket filled with treats and snacks to bring with me as I make my way to my family's home for the holidays. They are quite a distance from my small town, so I expect it to take me about a day to get there. I start to set up camp in a small clearing close to the trail as soon as I notice that the sky is getting darker. I set up camp, made a quick fire, and began chopping some roots I found on the trail.

My nose quivers, and I detect an odd odor in the air. I look around for a moment, but I don't see anything. I made the decision to disregard it and continue cooking. Later that evening, as my energy levels began to wane, I began assembling the interior of my tent. I enter and pass out on the pillows. I close my eyes and doze off for a few minutes. Suddenly, I hear rustling in the leaves outside my tent. I fearfully and hastily turn on my tiny lamp. I silently walk up to the tent door and ease it open.

My gaze is met with large red eyes that smile sharply and with noticeable teeth in return. I nearly miss the soft growl coming from the creature because my heart is beating so loudly. I start to recognize the creature's—or, more precisely, her—features as she slowly makes her way into the tent and into the light. A lovely woman with lupine ears and a tail is above me. She has a lustful but also adoring expression on her face. She suddenly presses her face into the crook of my neck and sniffs deeply before I can even realize what is happening.

"Ahh, that scent. You're one of those sheep-folk aren't you?" I sit there frozen, unsure of whether or not to respond. She then sniffs again, causing me to shiver slightly.

"Yep, there's no mistaking it, especially with those adorable little lamb ears of yours." At that comment, my face quickly became red. She smirks as she leans up. Her tail sways back and forth in an almost playful manner. She then leans forward, resting her hand on my thigh, inching ever closer to my face, and speaks in a deeper tone.

"There is nothing that enters or leaves this forest that I am unaware of." In a mixture of shameful excitement and fear, I squeak a little. She grins again, showing her sharp teeth, clearly sensing my arousal.

"And it appears that this lost little lamb was unaware that she was entering the den of the big bad wolf, hm?" I can see that her nails are also quite sharp as she licks her lips and begins to tighten her hold on my thigh. She leans over and starts nibbling softly on my neck, making me let out unsavory noises.

"Hmm," I whimper quietly, my breathing quickening, my head spinning from all the stimulation she is giving me, as well as the fact that she seems to be enjoying herself as much as I am. She looks at me intently, licking her lips hungrily. She leans in again, closing the gap between our bodies entirely.

My face is being touched by the wolf girl's warm breath, who has a reddened face. Her face conveys both a certain hunger and a burning desire. She reaches her hands under my sweater and runs her fingernails along my hips. She speaks in a firm whisper.

"I'm going to ravish you~."

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