However, her attempt fails, as it seems that luck is not on her side today.

"Jasmine, is that you?" Lex voice stops her in her tracks but she dares not move as she can feel him watching her without turning her back.

Lex comes running and stands in front of her with a wide grin on his face.

"It is you!" Lex says as he hugs her tightly.

"Oh! Look at you! You're all grown up, girl!" he smiles as he inspects her from top to bottom.

Lex looks at the girl they used to save from bullies years ago, she is not lil anymore but grown up still not much taller but as beautiful as ever!

"Hey! Advin, look it's little Jasmine!" Lex laughs in happiness as he abruptly turns her around.

He stares at his friend as he turns her to let him meet her again, but Advin just stands there as if he has bee freeze so he turns her to him, only to stop in shock when he hears the next word.



Jasmine's holds her breath as Lex turns her around and she closes her eyes not wanting to look at him.

"Mate" Lily's voice breaks the hold Lex has on her as he howls before holding Lily in his arms and kissing her.

Both Jasmine and Advin stands face to face, completely shutting out everything around them. They ignore the newly found mates as well as it is just them.

Advin stands as still as he can when Lex turns her to him. She stands there in front of him as still as him with her eyes closed.

He looks at her completely in awe, nine years. Nine fucking years, he had been away and the reason for it, she was standing right there in front of him.

His mate is timeless!

Nothing can come in comparison with her and he does not even want to, she looks so divine. He tries to take a step towards her but stops frighten to break the bubble they have created.

He looks greedily at her, remembering every single detail as if she will disappear away from him. However, something still seems missing and he searches for it looking at her once again.

Then he realizes it, it is her eyes that has haunted him, accused him and blamed him for all those years. Those innocent, beautiful and warm brown eyes which can bring him to his knees and which makes him feel he is at home.

"Open your eyes" he whispers but she stands still.

When he does not get any response from him, his anger spikes a notch.

"Open your eyes!" he grits out in anger at her for not letting him see them.

Jasmine shakes her head in denial scared to look at him up front, so close to her. She just cannot!

When all he gets in response is her shake of head, he gets frustrated at not getting to see those beautiful eyes. He deserves that much from her, he shouts mentally irritated at her behavior.

"Jasmine!" finally he commands and just like that her eyes snap open engulfing him and hypnotizing him in the depths of her eyes.

"Fuck me!" he curses before turning around and leaving her.

Just like that!

Jasmine looks at him in horror as he turns his back on her just like the last time, she takes a step towards him but stop when Lily comes and hugs her.

"Jasmine I finally got my mate!" she screams and Jasmine feels numb.

Lily looks at her in worry as she sees the tears run down Jasmine's cheeks.

"Jasmine, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Lily asks and Jasmine smiles back at her friend.

"Oh nothing, I'm just so happy for you. Its tears of happiness" she explains as she hugs her friend wiping away the tears. She smiles bravely at Lex and hug him too

"Congratulations, both of you! I'm so happy, you two are made for each other" she beams trying to hurry out of there.

"Jasmine wait, we are heading to the pack house to announce us being mates. So, hop in" Lex states happily but she refuses him with a shake of her head.

"Um No, it's ok. I have to visit some places before going back so you guys go on" she smiles wishing they would just leave her alone for the day.

"Hey its ok, we can drop you off there!" Lex tries once again but she just refuses and keeps moving.

She does not even looks back at them as she knows he is sitting there with them in the car. She walks as fast as she can and takes a turn to hide away from them.

As the car pulls out of her view, she gets out of the alley and not knowing where to go she wanders to the park.


Advin gets out of the car as soon as he can, he feels suffocated cooped up. Try as he might he cannot get her eyes out of his mind. He keeps berating himself as he walks all the way up to his room.

Why, do you have to go and mess up everything?

Why did you have to see those eyes? As if it was not enough that you stayed out for so long that, you had to go and lose your mind all over again. He screams at himself as he gets in the shower and turns the water to full heat.

He feels calm as the heat burns his skin and everything fades away and the only thing that remains is pain! However, his wolf does not let him have his peace, as he keeps showing her eyes and face.

Advin bangs his head on the wall to let the image fade away, but it remains. Try as he might his wolf will not let him win, torturing him from the past twelve years but he is as stubborn as his wolf and will not give in!

"You don't get it do you? You cannot be selfish and ruin everything to have her. I cannot endanger the peace my pack has for her!" he shouts at his wolf who just snarls back in rage wanting his mate in his arms.

"Fine, you want her? Okay, you will get her and then what; can you live happily with her, knowing your pack is gone to war because of you? Can you survive out there with the name Rogue on you?" he snaps at his wolf who whines back, in pain.

Finally, his wolf submits to him as he howls at the pain he feels and always felt for not being able to touch what was his!

"We have a pack to look after buddy, let's focus on that for now. May be in the near future we could have her as ours but till then don't make me choose between her and the pack because the pack will always come first for me" he tries to soothe his wolf who nods sadly in agreement and settles down.

This is how he has dealt with his wolf for all these years, every time the need to be with their mate was unbearable he would go berserk and the only way he could tame his wild wolf was the thought of the lives they are responsible for, their pack!

Advin turns off the shower before moving to his room, too tired to do anything he just gets in the bed and falls asleep!

Restrained Affection [Affection Series 3] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now