Chapter 15 - A Gate Found - Almost

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O'Neill wants to shout but maintains control. Instead, he whispers between gritted teeth, "What do you mean, it doesn't work?"

A frustrated captain responds. "When I tried to dial in the gate address nothing happened. I pushed the first symbol, nothing. I tried another symbol. I've pressed all of them. Nothing happened. I've checked the crystals. They're all here and appear undamaged. I've run a diagnostic. Everything checks out."

"Dammit!" O'Neill grabs his radio. "Davis, Lorenzo. Do you read?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Change in plans. The gate is dead. Head back to the city. We're going to have to take our chances there."

"Roger that, Colonel."

"What is the problem, Carter?"

"It's just dead. No power. Maybe the other gate was the primary, so this one was not operable. Maybe it's been too long since it was last used."

"Do you think they could have done something to it?"

She says, "No, Sir. They could have removed a crystal. Or just shot it. They had plenty of time. I can't see any damage. For some reason the power is drained. Maybe it has to do with the other gate, I just don't know."

"Is there anything you can do?"

"No, Sir. We need a generator. We might be able to use the transport that brought us here. But we need cables to connect it to the gate."

"Plus," Dr. Jackson interjects, "the transport is over there. And I doubt our Federation friends will cooperate."


Carter quickly answers. "Head back, make our way to a friendly city, bide our time? Maybe once things cool down–"

Martinez yells, "Incoming!! There!"

Everyone turns to look at Martinez standing at the bottom of the platform steps. He points toward the city.

He yells again. "Federation chopper!!"

They turn to see a dark object flying low over the top of the city, silently moving toward them. The strong wind prevented the sound of the engines from reaching them. Flashes appear at its nose. Bullets begin to strike the area near the gate.

O'Neill yell, "Take cover! Where's the Stinger?!"

Yells fill the air as everyone scatters, taking cover behind the gate's platform and the surrounding wall. The Stinger had been left at the edge of the gate's platform. The lights on the front of the helicopter turn on, bathing the gate in a blinding white light. The team fires frantically as the helicopter moves closer, their bullets bouncing off the armor. Teal'c fires his staff weapon as well but with no effect.

Martinez turns and runs onto the platform, bullets slamming into the platform immediately behind him. Martinez slides across the platform, grabbing the Stinger as he slides by. He drops over the side and quickly rolls up against the platform as bullets strike the edge. The turret on the helicopter's nose swings to the right, a spray of bullets shattering the top of the platform. Martinez collects himself, says a quick prayer and stands, facing into the bright lights. He places the launcher on his shoulder and activates the targeting mechanism. The pilot sees Martinez standing there with the launcher and warns the gunner. The turret moves back to the left, bullets arching toward Martinez. Martinez can hear the bullets striking the platform near him but he gives the missile time to lock onto the heat signature of the helicopter. As soon as it locks onto the helicopter he fires the missile. The initial charge forces the missile from the launcher. Martinez drops behind the platform as the missile's main engine ignites. As he lays flat on the ground concrete fragments fly over his head.

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