Chap TwentyOne

22 2 1

3rd person

It had been days since the attack.

It had been days since Lota had become one of Jake's mates.


"The last I knew they planned on coming back and using some hostages against you" Lota told Romulus and Jake.

"Who?" Jake asked her, sitting next to her.

"An Uley, a Volturi, a Salvatore, a Denali, a Cullen, and a Whitlock. At least that was the last I knew. Also a Mikaelson, a McCarty and a Mason" Lota says. "I wish I could be of more help."

"You've been a great help letting us know of these hostages" Romulus says leaving to tell the packs.

Jake side hugs her, kissing the crown of her head.

"You did just fine, let's go tell the Cullens, the Mikaelsons, and Sam about the hostages." Jake says, standing and holding his hand out to Lota.

Lota took his hand and followed him.

First they went to the Mikaelsons and told them about the Mikaelson that was kidnapped by the Trags.

They also told Stefan and Damon, who where at the Mikaelson mansion about the Salvatore the Trags had.

Then they told Sam about the Uley the Trags had, Sam said it was his sister who went missing.

Then they went to the Cullen's, the Denali's have been staying there for the past couple months.

Lota told them about the people that where being held by the Trags.

She also told them of the Volturi daughter being held by the Trags.

In turn the Cullen's told the Volturi about the daughter.

The two went back to house that Jake and his mate's were staying in.

The other mates were waiting for them.

Lota explained what Rolomus wanted to know.

They sat and talked for hours just being together.

*:..。o○*+:。.。 。.。:+*○o。..:*

I'm back to this story.
There are no set dates for updating.
There will be a second chapter up in a couple of hours, cause what I wanted for this chapter, I couldn't find a way for it to fit.

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