1. Our Last Valentine's Day

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Sarah Spellman arrived early to breakfast Monday morning. After mediating the endless bickering between Corey and Merula for ages, she'd hoped to avoid the pair of them and have a quiet breakfast for once. She stopped outside the first of the doors to the great hall. There was much more noise than there should've been at six-thirty in the morning. She peered around the door. Sure enough, the hall was nearly full of students, clanging their spoons into their finished porridge bowls and chatting animatedly. With a quick glance, she spotted Merula seated at her table, and Corey walked around the room to settle down rowdy students. With a sigh, she entered anyway. 

As usual, Penny was her first friend to notice her join, and she hopped off the bench to greet her, chipper as always despite the early hour. 

"Morning," she sang, taking hold of Sarah's hands. "I started to worry you'd slept in." 

"Slept in? It's not even seven yet," Sarah whined. "I figured this place would be empty for at least a half hour." 

Penny shook her head. "Not today. McGonagall's giving a big announcement this morning, remember?"

Sarah sucked in a breath. She hadn't remembered. "Right. I don't understand why everyone comes to breakfast early for these things. She doesn't give them until seven-thirty anyways."

"Everyone's excited," Penny explained, leading Sarah to sit at her table. "Since it's Valentine's Day next week, we're all hoping there's going to be a dance."

Sarah took her seat in between Penny and Barnaby. By the looks of it, he had already eaten two breakfasts and laid his head on the table for a morning kip. Sarah reached over to run her fingers through his messy hair. He didn't open his eyes, but he gave a contented sigh as the corner of his mouth turned up into a smile. 

Sarah had hardly finished pouring herself a glass of pumpkin juice before Corey found her. 

"Listen," he said, glancing about awkwardly. "I want to apologize about last night. I was out of line." 

"I appreciate it," she told him, "but do you really think I'm the one you should be apologizing to?"

His eyes flitted to the Slytherin table, but he shook his head and put on a very unCorey-like scowl. 

"I'm sorry for how I handled things, but I'm not taking back what I think. Have you thought anymore about what I said?"

Sarah put down her pumpkin juice, choosing her words carefully. She was aware of Penny and Talbott listening curiously. 

"I have Corey, but there's really nothing I can do about it right now. You two are going to have to work it out yourselves."


He winced as Sarah kicked his shin, silently warning him to say no more. Corey rubbed at his sore leg, but he glanced at the onlookers and got the message. 

"Fine, we'll talk later, but I just wish you'd see my side!" he exclaimed as he dropped his leg. 

The outburst caused Barnaby to stir. He stretched as he sat up and looked around to face Corey. "What's going on?" he yawned. 

"Nothing," said Corey, looking away. Something about Barnaby always seemed to make him uncomfortable. "I'll see you later, Sarah."

"What was that about?" Talbott asked as Corey hurried away. 

"Oh, just a row between him and Merula," said Sarah. "They both want me to take their side, but I keep telling them they're going to have to work it out between themselves."

"I'd never have thought Corey and Merula would be friends," said Penny. 

"So far, you're right," she said with a chuckle. "They can't be together for ten minutes before they're at each other's throats."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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