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so before this starts i want this to be clear

▪ There will be slander of characters which were nice or good in canon

▪ There may or may not be grammatical errors (istg pls correct me cuz I read it again and again and find errors and then I get angry or upset so yea) so pls correct me.

▪ Slow updates+ might be short chapters (in writing 1 day b4 finals exams)

▪ Idk how to write long chapters

▪ I do NOT own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter they belong to Rick Riordan AND J.K. Rowling

▪ I'll have you know that English isn't my first language so there are errors

*Currently under heavy editing *

I think this is it for the author's note .

i hope that you enjoy this .

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Yours Truly

The girl with insomnia

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