Chapter 9: Running Away

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Seeing the lad lay motionlessly on the floor, Brandon smiled then with quick movements started unbottoning the lads shirt just to pause at the fourth button feeling a sharp pain coming from the back of his head making him feel dizzy for a moment, then with an inaudible curse tumbked down untop of the still limp Maddison. Pushing the unconscious make off his son's body, Mr Adam's lifted him up to see his son stare at him blankly "Maddie! Maddison!!" he called out loudly to see his son finally snap back from his trance and look at him with tears suddenly rolling from his eyes "p-papa" cried Maddison weakly as he hugged his father who hugged him back whilst saying in a low but firm voice " you have to run maddie, hurry" whilst breaking the hug and giving him a bag, looking at his father maddison nodded and said "y-yes, l-l-let's go papa" to see his father shake his head and say " no son, I am old and sick and would probably slow you down so run, run and never come back get" he said to see more tears roll from Maddisons eyes who began to cry loudly whilst refusing to go without him, opening his mouth to coax his son, Mr Adam's paused with his body tensing visibly hearing a groan come out from the unconscious man's lips which was a silent warning of him waking up at any moment now making his already tensed body become even tenser and true to his words the male started showing signs of waking up causing him to say whiksy pushing his son out of their backdoor"come on go Maddison! The barons men are all outside waiting for his orders so hurry and go out the back door, promise me, promise me that you will never come back here nor turn around once you step foot out of this house okay" said Mr Adam's nervously to see Maddison shake his head with more heart wrenching tears coming out of his big dewy eyes "Papa let's go together please!" said Maddison i between sobs causing Mr Adam's to nearly tear out his hair "stop it maddie and promise me please!" yelled Mr Adam's to see Maddison slowly nod his head with a tear stained eyes. Smiling softly at his son, Mr Adam's was about to tell him that he love him just to turn pale the next second hearing a loud crashing sound coming from inside his house" Go Maddison RUN!! " screamed Mr Adam's as he heard a series of footsteps coming his way. Nodding his head Maddison turned around with tears in his eyes and a searing pain in his heart' I am sorry papà, but I can't keep your promise, I will come back I will come back for you.. I promise' promised Maddison to himself as he ran away from his house and into the forest whilst clutching the bag his father gave him tightly onto his chest

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