Author update

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So hey a bunch of things have happened I wrote this almost a year ago and probably am just gonna leave it like this. I know it's probably not gonna matter anyway but I'm just not really in the fandom anymore. I have so many amazing memories but it's just not for me anymore and I can't see myself sitting down and writing this anymore. I'm sorry to the few reader who enjoyed this. I give you all full permission to take this story and start your own. I have lost and made lots of friends and had some very serious issues come up that stopped me from writing. I got busy with life and trying to make the most out of it while I can. I am really proud of this story it's probably something I have put a lot of effort into and lots of time working on. If you want to hear what's been going on in my life I can make a second update but this story is officially marked as unfinished and discontinued.

-I love you all thank you so much :)

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