ⓘFiguring this outⓘ

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June 11, 2021

I shot up from my bed 'Fuck what was that...' I was sweating so i got out of bed and went to go shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and my face was red 'that's either blush or from over heating' i turned on the cold water and let it wash over my back while i tried to figure why i had the dream 'I'm kinda disappointed it was only a dream... No y/n stop that. He doesn't even like you' i need to figure this out. I got out of the shower and put on a pair of leggings and some random comic tee shirt. I grabbed my phone and opened discord and seen that tommy was online. 'Maybe he has some advice...' I decided to call him. "OH HELLO WOMEN!" I laughed a little "hey tommy..." He paused for a second "i have a feeling your in need of serous tommy" he said this kid is so smart "yeah that would be helpful are you streaming?" I asked "no what do you need y/n?" I hesitated before saying "well hypothetically if i had a dream where i almost kissed a guy i may or may not like and i knew i would have enjoyed it but at the same time it feels wrong.." He was quiet "sorry to much?" I asked "no no your fine i was just thinking. Well im gonna be honest i was surprised you came to me instead of your other friends or even wil?" Fuck i didn't think this far... "Well-" i started " its fine. If im being honest with you y/n it was just a dream and you cant control dreams. So i would just try and relax about it. Im sure it will be ok." He said. "Thanks tommy this means a lot to me" i let out a breath a didn't know i was holding "Your welcome y/n! Im glad i could help" i smiled 'such a sweet kid.' Meow "oh i should probably go now tommy i think cosmo needs food" i felt cosmo rub against my leg "alright talk to you later!" *ping* as soon as i heard the ping of him leaving the call i picked up cosmo and walked to the kitchen to get
her some food. I set her down to let her eat and so i went back to my room and checked my phone and seen a message from a unknown number 'Hey!' I went to the message and still didnt recognize the number


                                          Hi... Who is this?

Oh right sorry, This is niki from
the love or host          

                                               Oh hey niki if i may ask how did you get my number?

No response oh well im sure shes just busy *ding* that must be her.


Oh right wil gave it to me i hope thats      ok      

                                           Yeah thats fine!

Well i was wondering
If you wanted to get in a vc?

                                                Sure ill join u

Ok see you then!

I put my phone on my desk and turned on my pc meow. I smiled and picked cosmo on my lap. I was petting her until i seen niki was in a vc so i joined "Hey niki!" I said as still petting cosmo "hey y/n how have you been?" 'Should i tell her about the dream..?' "Well I guess i could be better..." I said slowly "oh whats wrong i might be able to help" i smiled her and tommy are so kind. "Well i already told tommy about it but i guess i didn't tell the whole truth..." She was silent "i had a dream last night about someone i like and in the dream we had almost kissed and i knew i would have liked it but at the same time it felt wrong..." She hummed a little "hmm well i don't know what tommy had told you but i know tommy is a smart kid and if i had to guess he was probably right about what he said. But in my opinion it was only a dream if you would have liked it or not its fine no harm was done no one else knows except me tommy and whoever else you told." I listened to what she said and felt better. "Thanks niki this helps a lot i really appreciate it!" I smiled and took a couple deep breaths. "Your welcome y/n if you ever need anything don't be afraid to text me." I told her i will if i ever needed anything and then we said goodbye and left the call. I sat in my chair for about 15 minutes.

Hey i was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee i still owe you it for finding my phone?


Hey ill be trying harder to post more often. I love you guys hope you all are eating properly and remember i appreciate you all! See you in the next chapter!

The love or host ·Wilbur x Reader· (!DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now