chapter 4

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The next morning:

"Jeongguk We need to talk." Queen Hana said coming into his study room who were busy writing something usual.

The said boys look upto his mother with knitted brows then stands up for a bow.

"You need to stop whatever you are doing, Gguk. Taehyung cannot-

"I don't think, there's something to talk mother, it's a high time to show something then to sit and talk."

"Show something? What do you mean by that?"

"Show this kingdom about how my mate is not an underaged children when it's come to responsibilities."

"Things doesn't work like this Gguk. No matter how much you love or respect him, The truth is that, He IS an underaged moreover uneducated-

"NO. Not a single word I would tolerate about him anymore. Well guess what, I don't even want to talk to you about him."

"You HAVE to talk about him Jeon Jeongguk. He is important to you. I agree. But not suitable for this kingdom. He is a Rogue wolf Jeongguk. He doesn't even know how a family works how would he maintain this entire Kingdom."

"Mother how many times I have to repeat the same damn thing that, he is not a rogue anymore, he has ME!!!


"STOP!!! I SAID STOP MOTHER!!! gritting teeth* If he can't rule YOUR kingdom then I WILL RULE MYSELF!! WE TOGETHER WILL TAKE CARE OF THE MATTERS. Problem solved right? All you have to do is that, "Have faith on your OWN son, that yes he can do that."

"Our Kingdom doesn't have this procedure to be ruled by King, but a Queen. RESPECT IT JEON JEONGGUK!!"

"Sigh* Why are you so stubborn mother? Let us be happy for God's sake please. After a long period of time I am getting my actual Happiness. Please let me posses it forever."

"You are not understanding. There IS a problem about your mate being a rogue-

"No mother. He doesn't have to have a family to understand it's value. When I first approached Taehyung, the entire village were ready to kill me, As they thought I was there to hurt him. Mother, This is what a family means. They are not rogues mother. They are a family, Maybe having different origin, but their hearts? Belong together. Please send away these Princesses, I am happy with Taehyung. I believe he will be a great queen. A better Luna. Please consider my last wish."

"Scoff* Being overly smart aren't we hmm? I know you Jeongguk. I know you very well. You cannot just fall in love with your mate this soon."

"What? Mother- Are you listening what you are saying? I don't love my mate? If this is not love then what? Then for whom the hell am I fighting for? I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO PULL UP AGAIN. YOU ARE SO MANIPULATIVE MOTHER!!! I HAVE BEEN YOUR PUPPET FOR SO LONG!!! NOT ANYMORE. I WANT TO HAVE MY OWN FAMILY. WHICH YOU NEVER HAD. YES. YOU NEVER CONSIDERED ME AND FATHER AS YOUR FAMILY. IT HAS BEEN ALWAYS THIS KINGDOM, IT'S RULES, IT'S PEOPLE. BUT WE? Scoff* I will show you along with mate as how a real kingdom forms out of love, courtesy, passion, faith, not with some toxic rules and procedures. I will show you mother. BE... AWARE... OF ....IT!!!"

With that Jeongguk walks outside.

"JEONGGUK!!! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE LIKE THIS. I HAVEN'T DONE TALKING YET!!! JEONGGUK!!!" Hana gritted her teeth looking at her stubborn son's retreating figure.


"I will show Queen Hana, How improvised and suitable this beautiful woman is for this kingdom." Princess Elena Said with a satisfied smile looking at her newly baked cake.

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