chapter 2

48 2 7

2nd year

“I said I'm sorry Sirius! I didn't mean to be in Slytherin. I'm sorry I'm not as strong as you, I'm sorry I'm not as brave as you, I'm sorry I was too scared of our parents to be in Gryffindor, I'm sorry I'm not you!! I'm so bloody sorry!!” I yelled at my brother, I really was sorry. He refused to talk to me since we’ve been back and we are leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow. I just couldn't take it anymore. After he didn't respond though, after he wouldn't look at me, I gave up. Completely gave up. “If that's how you’re going to be, fine. But when Regulus is sorted into Slytherin, promise me you won’t treat him like you’re treating me. Promise me Sirius Orion Black.”

Sirius still didn't look up. He took a deep breath and continued staring at the blank piece of parchment and charms book in front of him. “I promise.” I walked out. I didn't look back. But I wasn't going to let Sirius treat Regulus like he's treating me. 

I changed into my dinner dress and fixed up my hair before dinner with my cousins.

“Time for dinner!” the voice of walburga black was coming from the kitchen. I smiled, Bellatrix wouldn't be at Hogwarts this year and her and Rodulphus would be getting married during Christmas break. I really did love my cousins. They are basically my siblings other than Regulus. I couldn't consider Sirius a brother. Not anymore at least. I walked down the stairs and into the dining room.

“Hello mother.” I said and she nodded at me. I took a seat next to Regulus while Walburga used her wand to put plates of food on the table. There was a loud knock at the door. 

“Go answer the Lyra.” I stood up and walked to the door, I opened the door and my three cousins were waiting.

“Hello bella, cissy, andy.” I nodded at them and we all exchanged hugs.

“How has it been?” Narcissa asked me while we were walking to the dining room.

“As normal as it would be if the black family had their first gryffindor.” Narcissa sat across from me, and Bellatrix was across from Regulus. Andromeda sat next to Narcissa while Sirius took his seat next to me and across from Andromeda.

“So nice of you to join us with your presence. Sirius.” Bellatrix bitterly said and glared at him.

“I know right. You're welcome, sadly I can't say the same about you.”

“Sirius Orion Black!!!”

“Walburga Irma Black!!”

Bellatrix looked horrified, along with my mother.

“Crucio!!!” Bellatrix yelled the curse and pointed her wand at Sirius. “Bellatrix!! He is Eleven!! Stop it!!” Andromeda screamed. Sirius fell to the floor and the room filled with his screams. I looked away. I was the one horrified now. I took a deep breath and slowly left my seat. I crawled under the table and grabbed a fork from the drawer in the kitchen. I stayed as quiet as possible and threw the fork at Bellatrix's curly hair. It got stuck and pulled at her hair. She dropped her wand, lifting the curse as she did that. Everyone looked at her and I went under the table, not being noticed. Sirius looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows. Why would she help him? I sat up in my seat and acted like I didn't know anything about how the fork was in Bella's hair. But Andromeda saw me. I put a finger to my lips, indicating to be quiet about it. Andromeda nodded and looked back at her sister.

“Sirius, get up and get in your seat. It's time to eat.” Orion ordered his son. Regulus stared at his plate while everyone put food on their plates. He soon put food on his plate so he wouldn't get yelled at.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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