The Omega's Beautiful Alpha

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"Mate!" Octavius, Oliver's wolf cried out.

"That's my mate?" Oliver asked, gaping at the 6'1 man standing in front of him, who looked just as shocked. "He's so gonna crush me in bed," he whined further.

"Shut up Ollie, you've met him for all of half a minute, don't you think it's too soon to make a fool out of yourself yet?" his friend Kevin, asked.

"I can't believe my mate's an omega. And a girl to boot! I mean, she's quite adorable but still, I didn't even know that was possible!" Everest cried out.

Standing at 5'7, Oliver was considered quite short for an alpha and his effeminate style didn't really do much to correct misconceptions that people had either. Currently, he was dressed in an oversized pastel pink sweater tucked into a pleated white skirt that stopped at his mid thigh and a white flower crown in his hair to complement his outfit.

"Of all the days to meet my mate, it has to be when I'm wearing a skirt," Oliver mumbled to himself earning himself a jab in his side from Kevin's elbow. "And I'll have you know that I'm a hundred percent alpha and most definitely not a female!" Oliver continued, turning to Everest. "Plus, I'm not adorable, I'm hot and sexy. Just wait until you see the size of my- mmph" Oliver mumbled as he was cut off by Kevin's hand slapping over his mouth.

"You have flowers in your hair and you're wearing makeup," Everest deadpanned.

"Excuse me? Are you trying to say that men can't dress pretty too?"

"No, no. That's not what I meant at all, I'm just saying that your outfit was quite confusing is all. I'm really sorry," Everest sighed. "Look, how about we start again?"

"Okay, I'm Oliver,"

"And I'm Everest,"

"And I'm out of here," Kevin said, taking it as his cue to leave.

" Well Oliver, I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, I didn't mean to offend you but I really do think you're pretty and adorable," Everest apologized.

"Tell that to my dad, he thinks those words are reserved for females," Oliver huffed in reply, pouting a bit. Everest could already tell that being mates with Oliver was going to be interesting.


"I know that while most werewolves jump right to the mating almost immediately but seeing as we've only just met, how about we go on a date first and get to know each other before we move to the more intimate aspects," Everest smiled.

'He's so cool and smart,' Oliver thought. 'No wonder he's an adult.'

"Alright then, how about we go to grab lunch together?"


The two were now seated on a table in front of a restaurant by the beach enjoying the cool late summer breeze and getting to know themselves.

"I'm  an only child so it does get quite lonely, I prayed to Goddess that I'd at least get an interesting mate to make up for the fun I didn't get to have as a child," Everest said.

"You're so lucky, I would've loved to be an only child but I have four older sibling and they're all alphas. I'm the youngest but even though I'm 21, they all still treat me like a baby."

"In their defense, you really are small and adorable, I understand why anyone would want to pamper you and treat you like a kid."

"I'm not that small, you're just really big," Oliver whined. "I've never seen an omega as tall as you though."

"Well, both my parents are really tall plus they're both dominant so I guess the genetic characteristics are stronger than secondary gender characteristics. Would you have wanted a smaller omega?" he asked, propping his elbows on the table and leaning his head in his palms.

"No, not at all! I like the way you are, you make me feel safe." Oliver blushed as he whispered the last part under his breath, causing Everest to smile at him.


After lunch, Oliver and Everest moved down to a secluded part of the beach and lay down on the sand, arms folded against their chests, enjoying the cool air and admiring the early evening sky.

"I'd love to get married by the beachside someday, this place really is so beautiful Ev, thanks for bringing me here,"

"Anything for you my beautiful alpha," Everest replied, causing the tips of Oliver's ears to redden. He wasn't used to being complimented, especially not by his own mate and it made his heart flutter.

The environment was silent, save for the sound of their breathing and their heart's pounding against their chests. Neither knew who moved first, but all they knew was that in the next instant, the distance between them vanished and their lips met. It wasn't a rough kiss, it was a soft feather kiss, more of a peck even but it conveyed a lot of emotions that neither knew how to put into words at that moment.


Everest stood on the makeshift aisle that was set up in the beach, the very same spot where he had kissed Oliver for the first time. He had kept his promise to get married by the seashore and Oliver was ecstatic. Everest was dressed in his black suit and tie with a light purple undershirt, standing with the priest at the altar waiting for his bride to arrive. He still had no idea what Oliver had chosen to wear but he wasn't too bothered because he knew that no matter what Oliver wore, he would still look dashing.

Everest's breath hitched in his throat the moment his eyes landed on his bride. Oliver was dressed in a lavender colored suit with a white undershirt and white dress shoes. He hair had lavenders braided into it and  in his hands he held a bouquet of white roses. The thin white veil that sat on his head, covering his face was held by a small silver tiara adorned with small diamonds that shone in the late afternoon sunlight. Everest hadn't seen his bride's face yet, but he was sure that Oliver had the most beautiful makeup on under it.

Everest felt his junior stirring to life at the sight of his soon-to-be husband and had to will himself to to make a fool of himself. 'Think wierd thoughts Everest. You can't be known as the guy who couldn't keep it in his pants at his own wedding. He's already yours Ev, a few more hours and you can have him all to yourself.'

The wedding was a wonderful event and proceeded smoothly without a hitch but of course, neither Oliver nor Everest would know as they were to immersed in ogling each other for the duration of the ceremony until it was time to say their vows.

"Oliver Wilson, will you have this Everest Hadden to be your husband, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

And without missing a beat, Oliver responded with a small giggle, "I definitely do."

Facing Everest, the priest continued, "Everest Hadden, will you have this man, Oliver Wilson, to be your husband, and will you pledge your faith to him, in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with him and cherish him, according to the ordinance of the Moon Goddess, in the holy bond of marriage?"

Turning to face Oliver with a beautiful smile, Everest responded, "I do."

"Then by the power vested in me by the Moon Goddess, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the bride."

Time seemed to stop as the couple locked lips passionately and round of cheers erupted from the crowd as the couple consummated their marriage in a kiss, a kiss that was slow and passionate, a kiss that held the promise of forever, a kiss that pledged their lifetimes to each other.


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