
„Devons-nous le lui demander ? Ce ne serait pas bien de ne pas le faire, n'est-ce pas ?" (Should we ask him to? It wouldn't be nice not to, right?), Pierre asked his best friend beside him and earned a angry glance from Charles as soon as the words came out of his mouth. „Il n'est pas gentil non plus, Pierre." (He is not nice too, Pierre.), was all he said as he looked over at the young dutch boy sitting in front of his trailer, looking bored and staring at the book in front of him.

„Charles, allez, sois gentil. Tu n'es jamais aussi impoli." (Charles, come on be nice. You are never this rude.), Jules said as he overheard the conversation between him and Pierre. „Ce n'est pas comme ça que ta maman t'a élevé, n'est-ce pas ?" (That's not how your Mama raised you, right?), he added because Charles only gave him a angry stare. „Je te déteste." (I hate you.), he mumbled and started walking in the direction of Max. He was sick of being the better person all the time, of being the nice boy.

„Hey, Verstappen.", he said as he almost reached him. Max was caught off guard at the moment and snapped his head up. He saw the Monegasque walking towards him and he gave him a angry stare. „What do you want?", he asked, Charles stopped walking as he reached him and he saw in his face that he tried to be still nice to him.

„I wanted- We wanted to ask you if you would like to play football with us?", Charles really tried to be nice to the boy in front of him but he just keep staring at him with his angry and confused look on the face. Max felt his face soften and gave him a complete confused look, he only know realized that he was asking him something nice for the first time since weeks. Max was never asked if he wanted to play with the others. They were always in their groups together and Max wasn't part of any of them. He gave a Charles a small smile and thought about finally belonging to a friend group. He felt happy about that thought.

He opened his mouth but before Max even had the chance to answer his question, he heard the door open behind him. He knew exactly that he heard everything, his whole body language changed in seconds. „He doesn't have time for these childish things, isn't that right, Max?", the older man beside him asked as he dropped his hand on Max shoulder. Max stopped looking at Charles as he saw that also Charles body language changed, scarred of the man beside him. Intimidated by his father.

Max knew this feelings all to well, he was used to it. He was nervous, he knew he had to agree with him, there was no talking back with Jos as your father. But he was still his father, he loved him and he knew he only wanted the best for him, right? As he glanced up again he saw Charles staring at him a bit scared, he looked at him with pity. Max never wanted pity from anyone and he surely didn't want any pity from his rival.

„No, I don't have time for these childish things. I'm busy with winning races. You can't relate, Leclerc.", he regretted the words as soon as he said them. Max knew he couldn't take them back now. Damage is done once again. Charles looked at him with a sad look, almost as his eyes start to water. But he glanced away from the young boy in front of him and tried not to feel bad about it. He heard him run away, he heard his shoes hitting the dirty ground fast. „Kom op, het eten is klaar." (Come on, food is ready.), was all his father said as he turned around and walked into the trailer behind him.

Max gave Charles a last glance as he stood up, he was talking to Pierre in the distance and even from this distance he felt the angry stare from Pierre on him. He sighed and walked into the trailer. It was better like that, that's what he kept telling himself.


Max tried not to cry, crying was for babys and he was not a baby, right? He felt his eyes water more as he touched his knee again. He was so stupid. He should have known better. Talking back to his father wasn't his best idea he had today, but he was so angry about what he said about Charles. His mouth was again faster than his brain and as soon as the words left his mouth, the look on his father face changed in seconds. Max closed his eyes to forget what happend after that.

After a few minutes he heard light steps coming in his direction. He opened his eyes and felt the tears run down his face, tear after tear came out of his eyes. He couldn't stop crying now, he sobbed lightly and tried to be as silent as possible. He wished his mother was here right know. Max missed her everyday.

„Max?", someone said beside him and Max knew exactly who this voice belonged to. „Leave me alone.", he said with a broken voice and glanced at the ground so Charles didn't see his face. But it was too late. Charles has heard and saw the boy crying already as he walked up to him. As much as he hated Max, he couldn't just walk away from him. „Max, are you okay? What happened?", Charles wasn't the best in english yet but he tried and he ignored Max's words because he wouldn't leave him like this. His Mama raised him better than that.

„I don't want your pity, Leclerc.", was all Max said with a angry tone in his voice, still not looking at Charles. The young boy didn't know what to do because he knew Max wasn't going to talk to him but he decided to be there for him, even if he didn't want it. But maybe he needed it? He didn't know. Charles sat down beside him behind the tree, which Max thought was a good hiding spot. Turns out it wasn't.

„You don't need to talk, Max. But I will not leave you alone. You are not okay. I'm not feeling any pity- I just want you to be okay again. I need my rival back on track tomorrow.", Charles explained and hoped that Max would understand. There was no reaction for a few minutes. These two young teenage drivers just sat in silence beside each other. „Thank you.", Max mumbled and glanced up at Charles beside him. „I am always looking out for you, Max. I would miss you on track.", he said with a small smile on his face and Max couldn't stop his laugh. „Since when are you so nice to me?", the question was difficult to answer for Charles. He didn't have an answer for Max.

They grew up together, it always him and Max against the rest on track. Why couldn't it be off track too? It was a nice thought but Charles knew it wasn't easy to be friends with Max. His Father didn't help either. Charles always got a weird feeling about him and Jules always told him to stay away from him. He wasn't a good man, he wasn't a good father either.

„Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.", was all Charles answered with a grin on his face and Max returned his grin. He said this once to him too.


All his life he raced against him. They always found each other again, in every category. Until they didn't. It was weird for Max to not have his life long rival by his side. He would lie if he said that he didn't know how Charles F2 season was going but he did know. He rewatched every qualifying and race after his own F1 race and qualifying. Sometimes when he got the time we would watch from the vip sections. Because sometimes he got the chance to see it live as they were traveling together.

Did Max avoid Charles everytime he saw him walking in the paddock? Yes. Why? He didn't know exactly but he felt like he had to. They didn't saw each other in years since they parted ways in racing.

Max missed the battles with Charles, he always was the only one who dared to challenge him. I mean the media and also fellow drivers called him Mad Max for a reason but Charles never cared, he was as stubborn on that track as him, always fighting and never giving up. Max was always impressed with his talent and he knew it was just a matter of time till he would be in F1.

„He has one of the most impressive season in F2.", some mechanic said behind as he talked to another mechanic while working on Max's car. „I can't wait to see him in F1. There is a rumour that he will be joining Sauber next season.", the other mechanic said and Max smiled to himself. They would see each other again, he was sure of it.


Author note: I used google translate for all the dutch and French words so pls be nice :) Also my heart broke while writing this chapter. Poor Maxy. <3 Also Pierre and Jules being the wing mans they need bc they are stupid. I would love to read your comments and thoughts on this chapter. <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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