"... Garnet. I don't understand"
Steven said.. he didn't want to think of the wrong idea... since he had several and they were all bad.

"Steven... (y/n)'s Gem can kill other gems that are around her without even trying"

Steven's eyes slightly widen.

"It's her ability.. her sword is one thing... but the sight of her gem glowing is another... there were rumors that ... Estera, had shattered countless gems like us and I've asked White Dimonds Pearl to look deep into the first Era and it was true.... her Gem can poison other gems, once a gem looses its color its gone forever, even if they get shattered and have the help of the Dimonds to repair a gem... that was her ability. Making sure Gems don't come back."

Peral's eyes teared up... as Garnet took off her glasses as she steps forward to him.

"I saw into your future Steven. And you're poisoned."

Steven's eyes widen.. his hand going to his shirt as he lifts it up.. seeing a very small dot of Gray into his gem... which made him think of the gray line in the color of his pink jacket.

"She.. she will never do this on purpose"

"Steven- we know.. the poison could be healed from Rose's Tears.. but if it ever gets gray completely..."
Garnet held Steven's Arms tightly.

Peral looks glances up from the floor to Steven, her hands hugging herself.
"The thing is... if we do repair Estera's gem... we don't know if it will be like you... You and A Pink You... it could be (y/n) and a broken Estera Knight... or human (y/n) could be killed... if she separates with her broken gem... you said she's a forced hybrid by Rose... yet.. what if she's actually a forced fusion... and Estera knight is influencing (y/n)? There's too many unknown answers about (y/n)"

Amethyst listen to the three talk...she understood the situation to a degree... but she had no say into it... she couldn't even make a joke to ease up the conversation.

"... dude.. I think you seriously need to talk to her about... her... even if you guys fuse and feel each other feelings... You're hurting eachother in some way... i know what fusion is, but none of us seen a fused .... Gem before."

Garnet placed her yellow glasses back on...as she let out a small sigh.

Steven looked at the three.. and then down at (y/n)'s Gem.

"... i... what do... you want me to do from all of that information about her gem side..? Healing her could cause so many different things... and taking her to the dimonds feel like it could go in any direction.... (y/n)'s human side was from hundreds of years ago... she was a Tribe woman from a clan... not having near technology from now..... the fact that (y/n) can be two different people im talking to is.... making me re think.. so many different things about her..."
Steven's face had gotten a bit pink at the end... but not from being frustrated... but from being flustered.

Garenet saw Steven... as she gently took (y/n) out of his hands.

"Steven.. the reason why we are telling you this, without (y/n) being here... is because I know how you feel about her"

Steven's eyes dart up to Garnet very quickly.. his voice letting out a tiny 'what'

"Steven.. I know you've grown feelings towards her.. but fusing with her to be close isn't one of the ways to go... you need to talk to her... but... we needed to let you know about her more... before you do... you understand"

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