Finally they approached a small house, but instead of going towards the front door Max crept along the side, towards a window.

Slipping her fingers through the tiniest crack at the bottom, she pulled it up and slipped through, before holding her hand out and pulling the brunette through.

Eleven wasnt sure what she was expecting Max's room would look like, but nothing she had imagined screamed Max as much as this.

Posters lined the walls of the small room, a bed was pushed againt the wall and covered with comic books. There was a dresser in the corner of the room piled with sketchbooks, pencils, and every colour of marker you could think of. More comic books and torn out pages from sketchbooks were scattered arond the room.

Eleven picked up one of the papers and studied it, she only had time to make the outline of a face before it was ripped away from her. The ginger standing over her with a look of embaresment and fear in her eyes.

" Sorry." The brunette said, smiling weakly.

" Sorry, it's just," Max faltered for a moment" I dont really share my drawings with a lot of people."

" Well at least you can draw, i'm still getting past stick figures. " Eleven replied smiling. Max laughed " Well maybe I could show you some time." She said, her eyes and smile filled with a warmth that almost physicly hurt Eleven.

" I'd like that." The brunette replied.

After about a minute of silence and Max switching between staring into and avoiding the brunette's eyes as if a glance would set of a nuclear bomb, the ginger talked again.

" So, Mike?"


Even his name felt cold now.

Eleven didn't know what it was about Max, but she felt like she could tell her anything.

So she decided to start at the beginning.

" My name is Eleven. Or it passes for a name I guess." She paused holding out her arm and pulling her sleeve up, showing the curious ginger the numbers inked into her skin.

" Ever since I can remember I have been able to do things," she paused, illistrating her story by staring at a comic book on Max's dresser, before it started hovering in the air, floating over, and landing on the ginger's lap.

" When this was discovered, I was sent to the labratory, where Papa took care of me."

" But one day Papa had me do something. He wanted me to make contact with a creature from another world, I know it was wrong, that it would end badly, but Papa kept pushing me."

" I tried approaching it, it was preoccupied, I think it was eating something, dont remember what."

" But it noticed me. I could feel it tearing, not through me, but through reality itsself."

" Amidst the chaos I ran, and escaped through a drain pipe."

When Eleven looked up at Max she expected her eyes to hold disbelief, or worry, or confusion, but instead they were filled with facination. Not the kind of facination Papa displayed whenever she used her powers, but more caring.

Eleven continued.

" Soon I was found by Dustin, Lucus, and Mike, they helped hide me from Papa's people, the people who wanted to find me."

" But then they discovered the things I could do, and so they told me about Will, and I agreed to help them find him."

" I knew he was in the creature's world. That world is sort of like an echo, it looks like our world, but it's not. Sometimes things pass through though, flickering lights as someone walks down your hallway in the echo, voices, the creatures."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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