Your Ideas Are Always Bad Ones

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shot shot shot shot

are the words my friends echo around me as I down the last 2 shots on the bar and chase them down with my beer

" you see, that wasn't too bad! "
I smile over at Haylee as she claps her hands in pure joy and excitement.

We move over to a booth, big enough for all 4 of us before plopping ourselves, and our 4th round of drinks down.

We giggle as the high finally hits us. Freedom for one night

" oh my gosh guys! I know exactly what this night needs "

We all groan as we stare at our blonde bombshell best friend, Kelsey.

" kels, no no no. Your ideas are always bad ones. Ones we know we shouldn't do. Ones you somehow convince us to do "

She bat's my comment away, giggling as she continues

" girls, this is our week of freedom. Free from work, free from little buggers who drain our energy. Free from life. We need to get something special to remember this trip by! "

" oh no "

" oh no no "

We all murmur at the same time. She better not say what I think she's saying. She can't be wanting us to get tat-

" we should get tattoos! Meaningful tattoos "

" kels, I think it's enough drinking for tonight "
Jessica reaches forward, snatching Kelseys half finished drink from her hand & placing it by her side as Kelsey bursts into a fit of laughter, showing what a lightweight she's become

" kels, don't be silly. Last minute tattoos are never a good decision " I say, getting more anxious by the minute

" oh come on guys. It's not everyday we get to make spure of the moment decisions like this. This is a sign to take this opportunity and not regret it! "

Before any of us can chip in, Kelsey is up on her feet and walking to the bar shouting about how we need more liquid courage in the form of more shots

I glance at my 3 friends, wondering how the fuck we got ourselves here

And that is how we ended up, here, walking in to the door of the first tattoo studio Google suggested to us within our range.
My feet hurt from all that dancing. Why did I decide heels were the way to go?

Because I didn't think we would be dragged down 10 street corners to find a tattoo studio, that's why.

" I've always wanted to get my nipples pierced " Jessica murmurs as she looks around wide eyed

" oooo I bet Kevin would absolutely love those " I gently shove her shoulder giving her a wink as she smiles at the mention of her boyfriend

Kelsey slides up to the desk while the 3 of us take a seat on the plush deep red couches situated at reception

I dig around in my clutch, grabbing my phone. It takes me a few tries to unlock it due to the amount of shots Kelsey has fed us.
I scan my texts, relieved to see no texts from my mom regarding Seth and Milo. I relax again
Tucking my phone away I study the pictures on the wall beside us, trying to decide what I want done

" okay ladies, let us get this tattoo show on the road! "

Our heads flip forward to see who's suddenly entered the room and where that deep voice is coming from

Covered in tattoos, a cap on his head and a smile on his face, a handsome buff man waves us over to the front desk. I glance at Haylee as she washes her eyes over his figure...twice. Bullseye, Haylee has found her target for tonight. I know her type to a T and I know when she likes the look of someone

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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