Your People. My People

Start from the beginning

"OPEN THE DOOR!!" Bellamy yelled running to it a second too late. "MURPHY!"

"You try to be a hero, Jasper dies." Murphy's voice came through the radio.

Bellamy growled but knew exactly what to do. He stormed off towards Raven's tent. If there was another way into the ship, she'd know.


Clarke had been knocked out by a grounder after Anya ordered him to kill her, so waking up riding a horse through the forest was a surprise to her. She looked down at her hands, seeing them still bound together. She looked up and saw that they were approaching a fire, she quickly thought of the best way for herself to escape and tried to throw herself off of the horse, she rolled a few times. When she finally stopped she was failing to get to her feet. She looked up to see the grounder approaching her.

"No! Please! Please! Don't do this." She begged, as he picked up and threw her over his shoulder then finally set her on her feet when they got closer to the fire.

"Please! I'm begging you!" She cried as the grounder cut her hands loose.

"Clarke!" A female called from behind her.

Clarke turned around and found Octavia standing by the fire. Clarke gasped. "Octavia?" She asked then ran into the dark-haired girl's arms. "Oh my, God!" Clarke stepped back to look at her best friend. "How? I thought they killed you!"

"Lincoln," Octavia said, pointing to the grounder, standing by the horse. "Saved my life. Again. Killed one of his own to do it."

"Signal fire? That was you?" Clarke asked.

"Needed a distraction," Lincoln answered, taking off his mask.

"I'd say it worked," Octavia smirked.

"Not as well as you'd think." Lincoln sighed.

"What does that mean?" Clarke asked.

"Anya knows you aren't dead." He replied. "We need to hurry. Pray they follow the horse." He then sent the horse off.

"What was that?" Octavia asked.

"They're close," Clarke said, beginning to panic.

"Run!" Lincoln shouted.


"Murphy, I know you can hear me. All of the armor and food is in there. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack." Bellamy spoke into the radio. "I can't let that happen."

"In case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now," Murphy replied after another minute of silence.

"You don't want to hurt Jasper. You want to hurt me." Bellamy said, trying to word things right.

"What are you saying?"

"A trade. Him for me. All you have to do is open the door, I walk in and he walks out."

"Deal. But just you. Unarmed."

Bellamy handed his gun and radio to Miller, who looked at him unsure. Bellamy turned and watched the door to the dropship open. He cautiously walked in, a few seconds later Jasper rolled out, tied up. Finn quickly ran to his side and helped him. The door to the ship closed again.

About a minute later Bellamy's voice came over the radio. "Everyone get back to work. The grounders are still coming." He ordered.


Octavia, Clarke, and Lincoln were walking through tunnels when Octavia noticed that Lincoln had an arrow sticking out of his side.

"Hey, you're hit." She exclaimed, grabbing his arm and making him stop.

"Let me look at that," Clarke demanded.

Lincoln sighed, but lifted his shirt anyway. "I've fought battles with worse wounds than this."

"We're not in battle right now," Octavia replied.

"Yeah, we are." Clarke sighed. "Why are you helping us? I mean this can't just be because of Octavia."

Lincoln stayed quiet.

"Fine. Don't answer me. Give me your knife." She held out her hand. "Heat this," Clarke said handing it to Octavia, who was carrying the torch.

Octavia took the knife, and held it over the fire, then handed it back to Clarke. "Here."

"You might want to bite down on something," Clarke suggested.

Lincoln scoffed. "You people are so soft. If you don't learn to be more..." Lincoln hissed in pain, as Clarke cut the tip-off of the arrow and pulled it out of his side.

After a few moments of silence, Lincoln finally spoke. "What my people are doing to yours is wrong."

Clarke nodded her head then began to walk forward again, Lincoln and Octavia quickly following

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