"Bellamy..." She moaned as he started kissing her neck.


"We can't."

Bellamy moved back a step and looked her in the eyes. "If that's what you want."

"No... I want to but, I'm scared. From what I've heard the first time hurts like hell. I've never done it before and it's... it's midnight." She said looking at her watch over his shoulder. "I'm officially seventeen."

"Clarke, I'd take care of you. But either way, you've got another year before you are the age that your father and I agreed on before you and I do anything." He reminded her.

"I know... I know but I want to. So much. I love you... and... and..." She grabbed his face and started kissing him again.

He pulled away and looked at her. "Clarke... we don't have to do this. Not if you're not ready."

"Sorry." She said then kissed him one last time.


Bellamy jerked awake and took in his surroundings. He tried to move his right arm but found a sleeping Roma laying on it. He suddenly felt guilty, he just slept with another girl, and then dreamt about the girl he loved, and what was almost their first time. It had been two days after that, that Clarke and stopped talking to him, and then a day later his mother was floated and his sister was arrested. He'd never actually been, with Clarke, and now he wouldn't.

He sighed then shook Roma awake, and told her to get dressed. He put on his pants and boots then walked out of the dropship, with Roma hanging on his arm. He kissed her, then watched as a kid named Atom tried to take boots out of Wells' arms, but ended up walking away after he had been yelled at, by Wells.

"Wait, Atom. Hold up." Bellamy motioned for Atom to come back, which he did. "Now. if you want the boots, take 'em."

Atom looked between Wells and Bellamy then grabbed them from Wells. Soon other kids were fighting with Atom over the boots. Bellamy grabbed a shirt from Wells and put it on, then tossed the rest of the things at the group fighting.

"Is this what you want?! Chaos?!" Wells asked angrily.

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" Bellamy questioned.

Suddenly the scream of a girl interrupted their staring contest and everyone was running towards the noise.

"Bellamy!" Murphy smirked, he was holding a girl over the small fire the camp had made. "We want the Ark to think the ground is killing us, right? I figure it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first."

"Let her go!" Wells demanded. "You can stop this." He said to Bellamy.

"Stop? Why? I'm just getting started." Murphy chuckled.

"FIGHT!" The kids started chanting.

Just as Wells started getting the upper hand, Monty and Finn came running into the camp.

"Where did they go?!" Monty asked as he and Finn looked behind them.

"They were right behind us!" Finn exclaimed.

"Maybe they fell or something!" Monty said.

"What's going on?" Wells asked right after he knocked Murphy to the ground and Bellamy had yelled enough.

Just then, Clarke walked into view, Octavia leaning on her.

"Octavia!" Bellamy ran to her and helped her sit down on a rock.

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