Chapter: 16

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Roy walked inside, running a hand through his hair. As he came closer I let out a sigh of relief, setting down my drink.

"It's about time." I stood up and held open my arms.

He held me tightly, and softly rubbed the small of my back.

"We have to go." He said as I pulled away. He sat some money on the table. "I hope that makes up the bill."

"No, Roy-" Jeremy started.

"I'm not letting you pay two times in a row, Jeremy." He shook his head and smiled before I waved to Marie and we made our way outside.

"Are you alright? Were you hurt?" I asked as we got in the car.

"I'm fine, sweetie." He assured me and rested his hand on my upper thigh. "You're gonna have to learn to stop worrying so much."

"I'm sorry, but I can't."

"Riza, I know what I'm doing, just relax."

"I love you a lot, you know." I rested my hand on top of his.

"Of course I know. I love you a lot too, babe." He smiled and shook his head.

"If you really want me to stay out of it, I will. I know I'm not really authorized to do that anymore anyways but it just feels so unnatural to not help when people need me." I leaned my head against the cold glass window.

"I just want you to keep the baby safe. When he or she is born I don't think you'll want to do much but take care of it anyways seeing as you act that way with me and I'm only your husband." He chuckled.

"I just want you to be safe, okay? I'm sorry I'm overprotective."

"I know you only do it because you care, so it's okay. I'm not telling you to stop caring, just trust that when you aren't there I can care for myself." He pulled into our driveway and we made our way into the house.

*4 Years Later*

"So, do you know what Trey said the other day?" Marie asked, smiling to herself.

"What?" I smiled looking out the window at our 3 year olds who were playing with Black Hayate.

"He said that he wanted to marry Julia someday." She laughed. "I told him that he better not say that around Roy."

I laughed and shook my head. "You keep your son away from my daughter." I playfully wagged my finger in front of her face.

"They look real cute together though, don't they?" She looked outside with me.

"Yeah, Trey looks just like his dad, that's for sure." I smiled.

"Yeah, he missed out on my green eyes unlike Alice."

"Alice looks just like you with her brown hair and eye color but Trey has Jeremy's blonde hair and blue eyes. It's like you guys had mini versions of yourselves." I giggled.

"Yeah, and Julia looks just like you, too. I wonder if you'll have a son next that is just as cocky and annoying as Roy is." She smirked.

"Only time will tell." I shrugged.

The front door closed and I heard Roy's heavy boots in the hardwood floor.

"Hey, honey. Hey, Marie." He smiled. She waved and I walked over, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey, sweetheart." I buried my face into his chest.

He ran a hand through my hair and kissed my forehead. "I'm gonna go say hi to Julia."

*Roy's POV*

I walked outside and they perked their heads up, running towards me.


"Hi, daddy!"

I kneeled down, holding open my arms. They jumped on me and I lost my balance, flying back and landing in the grass.

They laughed and sat next to me, Julia hugged me and Trey tugged at the grass.

"Hey kiddos, whatcha been up to?" I asked, sitting up.

"Just playing with the doggie." Trey shrugged and Alice came out of the house next door.

"Trey, dad wants you to come help him with something, he's in the garage." She walked over and he sighed then stood up.

"Bye, Julia. Bye, Roy!" He said and we waved, Alice now taking his spot.

"Hey, Alice." I said as she sat down next to me.

She was now 7 years old, towering over her young companions.

"Hi, is my mom in there?" She asked and I nodded.

*Edward's POV*

I sat next to Winry with my arm draped around her shoulders.

"Is Al gonna get home soon?" She asked, resting her hands over her big, pregnant belly.

"He said he'd be back soon. Xing's a long way but I think he'll be back by today or tomorrow. He left yesterday."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

I shrugged. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask and it would be a surprise."

"Is he okay with leaving Mae?"

"She actually told him she wanted to come back with him."

"Really?" She smiled.

I nodded. "She said she didn't want to be without him and she wouldn't let him leave without her."

"Aw, it's only a matter of time before their 'I love you's." She cooed and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because Al deserves somebody who cares about him."

"He really does." I smiled and stood up. "We should get ready for bed." I held her hand and pulled her up then we walked to our bedroom.

*Riza's POV*

"Have you heard from Ed lately?" I asked as we sat around the dinner table.

"Not really. I never see him anymore, I want him to meet Julia." He pouted out his bottom lip and poked her cheek.

She giggled and took a bite of her mashed potatoes.

"I wonder what Al's been doing in Xing." I yawned.

"Well, I wonder if he's back yet. We should give Ed a call tomorrow." He smiled and I nodded.

I collected our plates and put them in the sink before Roy and I tucked Julia in.

This was our quiet little life, our 3 year old daughter and us. I didn't fight anymore but Roy was still on his way to the top, currently ranking at General.

I didn't need anything more than this, this is what I've wanted. Now what's left to do is support Roy as he tries to be führer and watch Julia grow.

And maybe even have another kid.

So, that's it! If you liked this story and you want to read more of my writing then I recommend reading my new fanfic, Colors (Durarara!! Fanfic). If you like Durarara then it would be cool if you could give it a read. I love you guys! Thanks for reading. Xx

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