she's doing awful, though.

"claro que te miras bien, hasta mejor. but stop doing that. you're literally ripping your hair out."

"whatever works."

she continues doing that until i can't take it and go up to someone else besides sarah who's clearly struggling and ask for a hair brush.

surprisingly, the woman i asked had one and i thanked her and walked back to y/n who probably didn't even notice i walked away because she had her phone opened to the camera. i walk all the way behind her and come into frame.

i give her little bunny ears and she turns her phone off to turn to look at me, "really?"

i nod but also hold up the brush before i grab her head and turn it to the front. "maybe not. i'll actually fall asleep."

"too bad."

i part her hair down the middle and get any tangles her ponytail gave her. "on my birthday you took my makeup off like you knew exactly what you were doing, and even right now. it's scary how good you are it this, everything really."

i don't have a mom and older sister for nothing.

"thank aurora," i grew up with her treating me like a customer at her hair salon, and i would have to do the same when it was her turn. "you know she's dying to meet you?"

"seriously?" more than serious. "my parents too."

"what did you tell your parents and her that made them wanna meet me so badly?"

"nada, solo que eres la mas perfecta persona para mi. so... not much," she grabs my hand from the brush and i go to cup her face when she spins the chair around. "just kidding. i definitely told them way more."

she laughed in my face and i kissed her forehead. "i love your laugh." her smile melts my heart and the tilt her head made to look at me at another angle did too, "i don't mean to interrupt but we're ready."

sarah's voice knocks us out of it and i quickly hand the brush back and head back to my seat.

we both clear our throats and try to act as professional as we can and introduce ourselves. "hi, i'm- yeah no, i can't do this." she bursts into laughter and i join her even though nothing was said to make us laugh the way we were. "okay okay, i'll introduce you."

i take a deep breath and we compose ourselves... again. "hi i'm gavi, that's y/n and we're gonna be playing Most Likely To."

"do we actually have to say to like and subscribe? it seems a little-"

"yes you have to do it." sarah cuts y/n off and we both can't help but laugh again. "how about he says it first, and i say it at the end?"

"i already went though." i tell her. "which means you get to embarrass yourself again... please!" i get on with it because i don't wanna waste sarah's time and she finally begins asking the questions.

"who is most likely to cry whilst watching a movie?"

if y/n says me instead of her... the same person who cried to rio, i don't know what i'll do. we both scribble something on the small white board we have and flip it around "mas le vale."

the perfect pair | PABLO GAVIWhere stories live. Discover now