"What?" Dean questioned, looking back for what Sam had his eye on. Without saying a word, Sam stood and walked off. Dean looked at me for an answer. I shrugged my shoulders, and got up to follow him. 

I watched as he approached a woman, placing a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She turned and seemed happy to see him. At one point, she stood and hugged him.

"Do you know who that is?" Dean asked, coming up behind me. I shook my head.

"No idea," I stated. Dean walked past me. I tried to grab him. "Leave Sam alone, please?" I begged.

"I'm just gonna go introduce myself," Dean held his hands up in defense. I knew he was gonna say more than that. I decided to go with him, to keep him from getting to close. 

"Anyway, the whole scene go old, so I'm living here for while," she was telling Sam when I walked up. 

"You're from Chicago?" Sam questioned. He looked really confused.

"No, Massachusetts... Andover," She corrected. She smiled up at Sam. "Gosh, what are the odds we'd run into each other?"

He shrugged. "I know," he stated. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Well, I'm glad you were wrong," she teased. They stared at each other for a moment.

Dean got tired of the silence and cleared his throat, loudly. I smacked him on the shoulder. 

"Dude, cover your mouth," the woman told him. I almost laughed out loud. Another woman putting Dean Winchester in his place. 

Sam looked back at us. "I'm sorry, Meg," he started. "This is, um, this is my sister, Cheyenne and my brother, Dean." I gave her a small wave. 

 "This is Dean?" she questioned. Dean lips curved to a smirk.

"So you've heard of me?" he questioned Meg. I rolled my eyes. Clearly Sam liked her, why couldn't Dean back off. 

"Oh, yeah, I've heard of you," She smiled. "Nice... the way you treat your brother like luggage." My eyes widened at this statement. That was not the direction I thought the conversation was going. 

Dean was also confused. His smile dropped. "Sorry?" he questioned. 

"Why don't you let him do what he wants to do?" She questioned. "Stop dragging him all over God's green earth." She turned to me next. "He never mentioned a sister," she commented. I looked over at Sam, even more confused. Apparently, he had told her all about Dean and how awful he was, but not even mention me. 

"Meg... it's all right," Sam tried to diffuse the situation. Once again silence. 

"Okay... awkward," Dean stated. "I'm gonna get a drink now." He walked off. Sam looked over at me, seeing my facial expression.

"Cheyenne..." he started.

"You know what, uh, I'm gonna go... wait in the car," I told him, patting his arm. "I'll leave you guys to it." I gave them a tight smile, before heading outside.

I forgot that Dean had the keys, so it was locked. Instead I leaned against it. I thought about what Meg said. Why is it that Sam wouldn't even mention me to this friend? And why was she so rude to Dean. I mean, I know that he can be pushy, but what else had Sam told her? My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps coming towards me. They were talking about Meg, but I only got the end of the conversation.

"Look, I'm sorry, Dean," Sam stated. "It was when we had that huge fight when I was in the bus stop in Indiana." He tried to keep talking, but Dean stopped him.

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