Episode I

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                   You once again enter the world of survival horror.

A man dressed in an old-fashioned swanky suit looking like a lost member of the rat pack gazes into the camera, smiling as it pans to follow him through a typical 50's Americana suburb.

"Here at Genesis, we work hard to preserve what was lost and also nurture what was found."

                                *Channel Skips*

"Blow up your taste, Run fast with haste it's...Apple Atomizer!" A 50s style jingle plays.

                              *Channel Skips*

"Rodriguez steps up, he hits this, the sharks go to the Superbowl." Blares the TV.

"Rodriguez hits it. Are. You. Kidding. Me?! Sharks win! Racoon City finds themselves in the biggest stage of them all." A young late teen girl quotes word for word in sync with the commentator of the pre-recorded game.

The girl shuts the TV off with the remote.

"And that's how it was kids." She says with her head resting on her knees, shrivelled on the couch.

Gazing at the stars the scene is interrupted by a banshee of a helicopter whaling as it flies not too distant from the apartment's window. The commotion soon passes.

Steps are heard faintly approaching the front door, with every second they grow a little louder.

Consumed by caution yet curiosity, the young girl stands tip toeing her way across to the door, dressed in nothing more than bedwear, a white t-shirt with shorts.

She slowly approaches, with time seeming to stand still, so do the hallowing footsteps.


The door flies off the hinges revealing desolation Incarnate. A human sized monstrosity seeming nothing less than otherworldly. With beige skin and tentacle like formations on its face, opening with a deafening scream that shows its fangs.

Startled, the young girl steps back. Glancing left to right before opting to lift a lamp by one of the chairs and throw it at the monster.

It's unphased. Now appearing to be more hostile the horror steps into the home, pouncing at the girl where they both fall through the antique coffee table, positioned merely feet from where the television resides.

Barely able to keep the Monster at bay, the girl struggles as it pins her, with every second she loses hope.

The Monster gets within biting distance before...


Using a piece of glass on the ground, the young girl impales one of the eyes of the demon invader. It falls to the ground in agony, screaming with intensity and violence.

The young girl scurries away, exiting the house and running as fast as her legs allow.

                                The Next Morning...

A silver sedan pulls up outside of an apartment complex, a working-class neighbourhood by all accounts.

As the car door opens, out comes none other than Jill Valentine. Sporting aviator shades, a grey 2-piece suit and a cup of coffee to hand. Shortly after closing her door, she heads to the trunk to retrieve a suitcase, closing the trunk and heading to the door where she unlocks it and heads inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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