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Dedicated to: intellect01

Life is a battlefield. It is the toughest battle each day. Some battles are meant to lose if we choose to surrender and most battles are worth it to won because you did your best to fight even you fall down and got hurt so many times.

It's not a battle if you did not fall down. After all, there will always be a rainbow after the long storm. The sky is not always blue. But think of it. When it rains, it calms us. Rain is the way of the sky to let out its cries too. We can't really avoid dark clouds in every blue sky. Dark clouds they say is heavy because it contains rain. But when that dark cloud let out the rain, after sometime, it will become lighter.

It's okay to cry. Let out your worries, your unsaid thoughts, your anxiety, and your bad days through tears. Be like the clouds. Life is not always blue.

Some says life is unfair. Some are enjoying their luxurious life while some are working so hard to survive in this world. Some are walking, some are running, some are doing all they can just to reach the finish line.

It's okay. It'll be gonna worth it soon. Trust the process.

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