십 : within the island

Start from the beginning

"What's with your gun?"

"You still have the guts to ask me, huh?" I immediately dragged the second prince to dunking when I saw that he pulled the trigger.

"What an impudent servant, do you know what will happen to you for causing harm to a member of the royal family?" I unbuckle our seatbelt while they're having a conversation.

"No one will know if both of you will be dead." Before he pulled the trigger again, I smacked him with my bag.

"Open the door, Your Highness!" Because Prince Thyme was perplexed by my instruction, I threw my hearing protection and opened the door instead.

"Are you crazy!? It's dangerous!" It's a good thing we're above the sea, and we have safety vests.

"Do you think we will let you live again?" It almost makes my heart skip a beat because he pointed the gun at me. Am I the target? However, I didn't think further and just hugged the second prince and threw ourselves outside the helicopter. The first shot missed its target, but the second shot hit my shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing!?"

"Take a deep breath, Prince Thyme." I make sure that I'm the one who will fall first in the water.

"You're really crazy." I just give him a comforting smile. However, after falling into the ocean, I had a cramp that made me go deeper into the ocean and lose consciousness.

It appears to be an island, and the situation here indicates that there was no electricity or a smooth road. I only see a few bamboo and other lightweight houses. I'm curious why we're still here and not being rescued. Then I saw the figure of the second prince near the seashore.

"Stay here for a while, Maggie. We just need to talk for a while." 

"Take care of your leg!" The nurse can't disagree anymore because I hurriedly stepped down to talk to him, but to my surprise, he was already in my sight.

"Little rascal, why are you walking now right after you walked up!?" He got some scratches on his face.

"Your Highness, are you alright? Does anything hurt—"

"Thyme." I blink a few times, "Just call me Thyme here. Also, stop asking about me. You should worry about yourself more. You must take a break. The attending physician here warned me that your shoulder's stitches might rip." I almost didn't function after hearing him, knowing that Prince Thyme was an aggressive type. Now, he's kind of soft and caring. His transformation scares me.

"But we need to have contact with someone in the palace to rescue us. Why are you hiding your identity from them?"

"We can't use their walkie-talkie nor tell them we're from the palace, particularly that I'm the second prince. We don't know who's behind this, and they might kill us for real this time." It's a good thing that I already made up a story to Maggie.

"Did you hear what he said to us in the helicopter before we jumped out?" He shook his head.

"Why? Did you hear it? What is it?" Maybe he really didn't hear it because of the noise barrier that happens when we open the helicopter's door.

"No, I also don't know." I lied. If he heard it, he might have an idea that I'm his target. He must be the same person who attacked me at the club.

"Our only chance then was to wait for the boat to come here again."

"But the boat already went here yesterday to deliver goods and supplies. You have to wait for another week." Maggie interrupted our conversation while walking down to the beach, "Mr. Kavin, let's head back now. I already got an earful about letting you go here from the doctor. He's looking for you." Maggie offered her hand to help me to go upstairs.

"Really, then let's go back now." I'm about to reach for her hand, but Prince Thyme puts my hand on his shoulder.

"Just lead the way, I'm the one who will help him." He even wraps his hand around my waist.

"It's okay, I can barely walk now." I removed my hand from his shoulder, but he pulled it again.

"Stop complaining and just walk." He even pulled me closer to him, so I had no choice but to walk with him.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness." He suddenly stopped walking and faced me with an irritated face.

"I told you to drop formalities here. They can't know our real identity!"

This is all about my impulsive decisions because of my unlucky lovelife. Because of me, I put them in danger! First, it was Ren and now the second prince. I badly want to go home!

"We're even now, you saved me, and I will help you to walk, I even comfort you, so don't expect me to be grateful for you." I didn't know that I'm already crying in his chest while he was gently tapping my back. The second prince may be mean to his people but still know the word humanity.


i just used a random name for the island instead of using the real name (∪ ◡ ∪)

akk was from enchanté the series and maggie, my fave girl in never let me go the series. you can watch the said series. it has a good plot

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