Finally Friends! -CP

Start from the beginning

Tommy started at the screen scared to say a word. "Tommy?"

"Uh what do you mean? I don't have any crushes! You must be seeing things" Tommy laughed it off. "All 3 of us and 3 million of other people seeing the same thing? Tommy that clip when viral everyone saw it and are worried. We just need to know if your ok? We won't shame you for being disabled" Phil said.

"I- you won't?" He asked. "No of course not! Wanna tell us what you have?" Asked techno.

"Umm I guess I can tell you guys. I'll turn on my camera and show you a bit" Tommy said. He turned on his camera and grabbed the crutches standing up.

"So I have Cerebral palsy or CP for short. Meaning I can't really maintain balance because my legs are really week and they break out underneath me so walking in general is like a impossible task for me. It mostly affects my legs but also my arms but it's not that noticeable when I play video games so I guess no one noticed but I struggle to hold stuff. I don't have the strength for it and iv tried working out but it doesn't really help" he said.

"Oh wow Tommy. You could have told us! Is that why you always say no when we ask to meet up?" Asked Phil. "Yea. It doesn't help that I also have seizure due to the CP. I just didn't want you guys to know so I always said no to hanging out" he said.

"Do they hurt? The seizure I mean." Asked Wilbur. "Well my muscles are sore after them and if I fall I get hurt but usually it's nothing that bad" he said.

Tommy explained the disorder in more detail and told them how he learned to walk at the age of 4. He never got out the needing to hold something faze.

Some people on good days can go without the crushes but he can't. It's eather he needs them that day or he can't walk at all. No never needed them. Witch sucked but it's been like a this for 14 years so he use to it.

"Tommy now that we know do you think we can meet up? It doesn't need to be in public even though I think the fans already know your disabled now. But honestly I think that's going to work out for the better for you. Having disabled fans knowing that there favourite creators also disabled will hopefully help them feel more normal!" Phil said.

"Yea meeting up sounds fun. I think am also going to tweet to tell them and maybe when we meet up we can make a vlog channel. Iv always wanted to try vlogging but I never did due to my CP" Tommy said. "Yea that's sound fun!"

So Tommy started planning a vlog as Wilbur planned the meet up, Phil cleaned his house and techno got ready for coming to the uk. He 18 so he didn't need his parents permission. He would move out if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't walk some days and needed help.


Today was the day of the meet up and Tommy dictated to finally tell tweeter. He hadn't posted sence the stream witch was last week and many fans were worried.

@tommyinnt ✅ (it's blue and a circle your just color blind)
|In my last stream my crushes fell and I hoped no one whole noticed but I was wrong. I have Cerebral palsy and cannot walk without aid due to that. Any ableism to me or any of my fans will get you banned from my chat and all the rest of the dsmp and my friends.

There where many supportive messages and even a few people finally started making content after years of being scared because they where disabled. It was honestly incredible!

Tommy smiled at his phone and grabed his bag. His father already brought his suitcase down for the younger so the kid only needed to grab his backpack and phone.

He struggled a bit more then usual down the stairs but made it. "You alright Tommy?" Asked his dad. "Yea just hard day" he said. His father understood. He was barely able to walk by himself but he clearly was trying hard to make sure he can go today. He didn't own a wheelchair yet so it's either walk or don't go today and no way is he going to get his disability stop him from seeing his friends for one more day.

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