Finally Friends! -CP

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Tittle: Finally Friends! -CP

Tommyinnt has Cerebral palsy - Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture. CP is the most common motor disability in childhood. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles.

Words: 2986
Written: February 9-10 & 11 of 2023 (bad ADHD days I guess!)
Upload: April 2 2023

Thanks to Christopher from 9-1-1 I got another disability to write. It's hard to think of some yk! And it's so happens that am in the middle of binging the show. -the 11th 2023 of February

Just finished it!! - Feb 16th 2023


He was diagnosed quite young. His mum and dad brought him to get checked up after he failed to learn to roll over or sit up. He was almost 11 months and he still hasn't done nothing. Doctors ignored it and said he was just a little slower then at the 13th months mark he was diagnosed with autism.

"Your son had autism witch is a developmental disorder. It cannot be cured" the doctor said. "No it can't be autism iv done lots of research already thinking it might be that but it can't be. He not autistic your wrong" his mum said. "Miss calm down I understand how difficult it is to hear this but here take this book called 'how to deal with your child's autism'" deal? Really that makes it sound like the kid would be a burden on them. Fuck no.

"I am telling you he not autistic and am going to get the correct diagnosis even if it overworked me to death!" She said angrily leaving the room with her 13th month old.

She went to countless of doctors and specialists and all of them said he was just autistic.

Then one day when the kid was two he was brought into a specialist office. "Hello miss simons am doctor flit it's nice to meet you. And who this little guy?" He asked about the kid making a face at him. Witch the younger laughed hard. He was two after all.

"Well my son can't walk, barley move his arms and he struggles to talk. He two. He was diagnosed with autism but I just know it's not that. You got to help me! He also has seizures but doctors say there's a unnon cause I think there connected" said desperately.

So they did test and a week later he had a diagnosis. Cerebral palsy with a side of seizures.

It's common with people who have CP to also have something with it. Some it's problem with hearing, seeing or talking; seizure or scoliosis.

Luckily for Tommy he was able to learn to talk after lots of speech therapy but walking not so much.

He at the age of 18 he uses crutches to get around. He struggles with his arm muscles like he not as strong as kids his age, his hands and arms shakes like a man in his 50s with horrible anxiety and arthritis. Sometimes he gets random spasms but doctors think it's the seizures not the CP fault for that one.

He has many friends and fans. Yea he a streamer/ YouTuber. And even with the millions of eyes on him live, no one knew about his disorder and never figured it out.


"WILBUR STOPPPP" Tommy screamed at the older, who killed him for the 4th time in a row. "Wil leave Tommy alone" Phil said. "Yea listen to dad and leave your little brother alone!" Tommy said. The others laughed at using the family bit.

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