Tommy was currently streaming with with online father and brother figure. The other brother figures decided sleep is more important then showing up and self promoting on Tommy's stream. Instead he got Tommy to do the self promoting and him doing the sleep.

Tommy's sub goal was 45799/50000 sub to Technoblade

Yea so instead of putting a cool or weird thing he will do once he reaches that he put mr. Blades promotion.

"Now Tommy stop being a little bitch and give me my diamonds back!" Wilbur said Tommy may or may not have stolen Wilbur's diamonds and put them into his ender chest.

"Diamonds? What diamonds? What is this thing you call diamonds?" He asked jokingly. Wilbur fake wined. "Tommyyy- Dadza Tommy won't give me back my diamond!" Wilbur went off to complain for the bit. "Tommy give your big brother his diamond back" Phil said playing along. "But philll"

"No now Tommy or you'll be grounded!"

"Had to tattle tail on me to Dadza didn't you" he huffed. "Here's your stupid diamond I didn't need them anyways" Tommy said.

They continued the bit on for another 12 minutes. That one clip Chanel is going to have to post a long one! Haha.

Then as they moved onto another bit. Tommy's crutches fell from beside him. He was worried for a second but they where only in frame for like a second it will be fine!

He continued the steam like nothing happened and at the 3 hour mark he had to end and leave the call to go watch a movie with his dad. Witch he promised he would.

He turned off his computer then reached to the floor to the crutches that fell earlier in the stream. He got up and struggled his was down the stairs.

I know it's stupid putting the disabled kid who can't walk on there own well upstairs but he preferred it and was super careful going down.

"Hey dad ready to watch a movie?" He asked entering the living room. "Yea come sit"

Soon they started watching. His dad got up to get snacks in the middle of the movie witch was kind of annoying but hey snacks are honestly worth it.

"You should head to bed now. It's late. But hey did you like the movie?" He asked "yea I liked it dad. But I should go now. Good night love you!" Tommy said struggling his way upstairs.

He was so tiered that he easily fell asleep.


Slowly the younger got up grabbing his phone turning off his alram. He has to get up to record a video for techno's channel with the rest of the sleepyboys.

He got up tiredly and took a shower, brushed his teeth and made himself presentable for the camera. He sat down in the his chair putting the crutches to the side like usual but double checking they won't fall and he opened up the computer.

He quickly got onto discord and seen his other 3 friends already in the call.

Wait is he late? No he's 20 minutes early maybe they wanted to hang out before hand. Why didn't they invite him?

He joined the call.

"Why would he hide something like that behind- oh hi Tommy how long you've been here?" Asked Phil. "Uhh not long? What you guys talking about? Is everything ok?" He asked.

"You tell us" Wilbur said. "Huh?"

"Tommy why do you need those crutches? Are you ok? We seen the clip of them falling over and there not the normal ones for braking your foot, those are for the permanent or long term disabled" Wilbur said straight up. He sounded really worried.

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