003- pucker up

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The group was chilling on the couch in the basement whilst Nate and Nikki make out. Leia comes down stairs.
"Do they know you guys are here" she asks.
"Oh they don't care" Jay replied.
"After awhile you get used to it trust me" Scarlett mutters laughing.
"They're in the zone, nothing breaks it, watch this" Jay spoke while throwing a hacky sack at them. Nate caught it and continued kissing Nikki and throwing it back a Jay.
Gwen spoke up, "how can she kiss my brother? His dentist quit in the middle of an exam." Scarlett chuckled.
"Guys, I got too close and now i'm stuck in it" Ozzie said causing everyone to looks towards him.
"We've all been there, when you're in the middle of a hot make out session, and you're in the moment" Jay spoke looking at Scarlett making her blush.
"And your lips just melt together" Gwen adds.
"And all you can think about is you and that person, and how you wish to never stop" Scarlett said smiling towards Jay. He smiled back at her.
"And his tongue hits the hangy thing in the back of your throat, and it feels sooo good" Leia says. Everyone looked at her confused.
"What?" Gwen asked.
"The...uvula, the U-spot?" Leia chuckles.
"Leia, have you ever kissed anyone ever?" Scarlett asked.
"Never. Not once. It's just never happened okay? In the sixth grade, I was a foot taller than all the other boys. And just when they got up to mouth level, I did two years of advanced braces." Leia explained.
"Like headgear?" Scarlett asked.
"It was so much worse. There was a crank my parents had to tighten every night. It was like starting an old-timey car" She replied.
"Well, it was worth it. You have such a beautiful smile" Jay said looking at Leia.

Scarlett started to feel sick. She started to question if that kiss ever meant anything to Jay. Was he just using her as a hookup? Did he even like her? That's all that went through her head when Gwen tried to snap her out of it.
"Earth to Scarlett, are you alive?" She asked.
"Sorry yeah just thinking" Scarlett said laughing nervously. Leia continued to talk about how she wanted to kiss someone.
"We need to get you your first kiss" Gwen said.

Scarlett hoped she didn't suggest Jay as hers. She would throw up right there. All she did was nod to show she was listening when all she could think about was Jay and hers kiss.

"Let's go to the mall and knock this out!" Gwen exclaimed. A sigh of relief fled through Scarlett's body.
"Summer of our first kiss, right Ozzie?" Leia asked.
"Don't lump me in with you, you mouth virgin. I have Etienne." Ozzie spoke
"Bro, I wanna support you, but you gotta stop with the fake Canadian boyfriend!" Scarlett spoke. Ozzie went on to describe how Etienne let him keep the last kids XL hoodie.
"We've never seen the sweatshirt" Jay exclaimed looking at Leia. Gwen ended up dragging Scarlett along even though she really just wanted to go home. She didn't feel good due to her stomach turning over and over again. She didn't know how to feel about Jay anymore.

"It's a total sausage fest" Ozzie said excitedly.
"This mall is filled with cute boys." Scarlett said looking around smirking. Leia started off with a boy who worked at the ice cream shop. Let's just say it didn't end well. While she was going her own way, Scarlett saw a boy and started talking to him. They got along pretty well. He asked for her number and gave him it. He gave her a kiss goodbye and she smiled big. She found Gwen but she was making out with a boy she randomly found. Leia was standing there complaining about how she didn't get any kiss.

They ended up heading back to Leia's. They walked into the door and Scarlett gasped while looking at Nate.
"Woah gross, why does your mouth look like a monkeys ass?" Scarlett asked disgusted.
"A monkeys ass? Like in a good way or bad way?" He replied curious. Scarlett shook her head and laughed.
"There is no good way let's be honest" Scarlett said. Nikki took Nate to Urgent Care.

Leia continued to complain about not having her first kiss. They tried to comfort her.
"Well there was another idea but I didn't wanna bring it up, because it feels weird and desperate" Gwen explained.

Scarlett was praying she didn't mention Jay.

"You could kiss Jay!" Gwen suggested.

There it was. The stomach spinning again. Scarlett felt even more sick.

"He's cute. He's always flirting with you. Plus he's a Kelso!" Gwen spoke.
"So? What does that mean?" Leia asked.
"Means he's a man whore" Scarlett said with a bratty tone. Gwen and Ozzie looked at Scarlett confused.
"Come on you know it's true!" Scarlett said.
"Just didn't think you'd say it out loud since you li.." Ozzie said before Scarlett quickly put her hand over his mouth and laughed nervously.

Gwen knew but didn't really care or bother to bring it up.

They ended up deciding on Jay. Scarlett wanted to say something but she didn't wanna ruin anything for Leia even though it hurt to see Jay and her being a thing.

Leia invited Jay over and said that everyone was going bowling.
"Where is everyone? I thought we're meeting up before bowling?" Jay asked.
"Oh, the bowling alleys closed. They ran out of balls.." Leia said nervously. She asked him to come sit with her. "Look at that sky, the stars so bright, and the moon is...also bright." she exclaimed.
"I never thought of it like that" Jay said.

Leia looked at jay and smiled. "Kind of romantic, don't you think?" she spoke. Jay got distracted and said, "Woah, you can see right into that old lady's bath tub, and she's crying."

Scarlett rounded the corner to go tell Leia her feelings towards Jay. Just as she rounded the corner she saw Leia leaning into Jay. She didn't wanna ruin anything so she didn't reveal herself. She started to tear up and listened.

"Leia?" Jay asked
"Yeah?" Leia replied
"I know what's going on here" Jay said smiling
"Oh good, gimme a sec" Leia said while kicking her lips. "Okay i'm back" She puckered up again.

Scarlett started to shut her eyes cause she couldn't manage to see what she thought.

"Leia, i'm not going to kiss you" Jay said.

Scarlett reopened her eyes to see what was happening.

"What? Not even you? Oh my god, this is so embarrassing" Leia said sad.
"Hey stop, don't be embarrassed. Look I think you're great. You're cute and smart and interesting, but i've just found someone else and I cant stop thinking about them, and I don't wanna ruin it with her, I hope you get what I am putting down" Jay explained.

Scarlett's heart began to pound. She didn't for sure know if it was about her, but she has a feeling deep down that he was talking about her. She wiped her tears and began to smile.

"That's really sweet of you Jay, I hope it works out with whoever the mystery girl is" Leia said.

Scarlett heard them say their good byes to each other and so she went off her way. She couldn't stop smiling. She was truly hoping Jay was talking about her. All she wanted was Jay Kelso.

Vaida Speaks
okay, i'm kinda proud of this chapter and I hope you enjoy. :) lmk what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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