002- movie night

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Everyone headed in Leias basement to hang out. "Okay kids, the basement is all yours" kitty said. "Lights on, shirts on, and no dancing" red said sternly. Leia chucked,
"No dancing, you're like the guy from footloose." Red gave her a serious look, she looked back at the group and said "no dancing, you guys" while nodding her head. Scarlett sat down on the couch and Jay sat beside her. She smiled at him and he smiled back. "Babe, you can fit three of your basements in this basement" Nikki said.
"That sounds like a lot of work Nik" Nate said with a sad tone. "Let's just use this basement" he said smiling. Scarlett laughed at the two who were being adorable with each other.
"Don't you love this old furniture" Gwen said to Scarlett.
"I actually do, it's very cozy, what do you think Ozzie?" Scarlett asks looking at Ozzie.
"Yeah all we need are some throw pillows and a tetanus shot" Ozzie spoke out.
Jay stood up and walked up to Kitty. "Mrs. Forman, your house is so warm and inviting. I mean I can't wait to spend all summer inside of it" he said while putting his hand on her shoulder.
"What is wrong with you?" Red asked.
"Anyway okay, now, if you kids get bored, I found some old records and games of your dad's, and a few magazines that i don't think he wanted me to see, but i got rid of them. They were all red heads, he sure has a type!" she says a laughing and walked up stairs. Leia and Scarlett exchanged disgusted looks and then laughed together. Everyone looked through the bun together.
Gwen opened a box from a game with wide eyes. "No way!" she spoke.
"What is it?" Scarlett spoke.
"Leia, your grandma just hooked us up!" Everyone cheered and was so excited.
"What is it?" Leia asked
"Best summer ever!" Scarlett exclaimed. Everyone laughed together.
"Sign me up, but i'm serious what is it?" Leia asked once again. Gwen looked at her and hugged her.
"So what's the deal, are we doing this or not?" Jay asked.
"I don't know, i'm literally wearing this." Leia exclaimed while showing us her "D.A.R.E" shirt. "Yeah they're daring us to do it" Scarlett says while nodding.
"Yeah they didn't think that message through" Leia agreed.
Suddenly Nate comes from around the corner of the basement. "Bro, does this count as a lighter?" he says holding up a blow torch.
"Uh yeah" Jay and Scarlett said in unison.
"I don't know if I can do this. I'm from a famous family. My cousin did Brett Favres bathroom" Nikki admitted.
"I'm sorry. I cant do your Brett Favre bathroom story again." Scarlett said. Leia went on about how we learned to say no in health class, but she finally gave in.
"Woah" Leia spoke.
"Babe, are you feeling it?" Nate asked Nikki.
"I don't think so...why is donkey kong a gorilla and not a donkey....it's a lie, they based their entire empire on a lie!" she answered.
"Yeah i'm not feeling it either" Nate said back. Jay was playing with a rubber band. It snapped off of his hands and hit Scarlett.
"What hit me, and where did it go" she said laughing. "Interesting" Jay spoke. "It was there, and it was gone..." Jay said in a sad tone.
"Just like love" Scarlett said to him in a sad tone. They started to cry and hug each other.
Nikki asked if every one wanted to hear about the donkey kong conspiracy. "Do you guys wanna hear about the donkey kong conspiracy?" she asked. "He's a gorilla" she whispered.
"No way, you're lying nik" Scarlett slurred her words. "I would never lie about Donkey Kong" Nikki replied nodding.
"Grandpas body's hungry" Gwen said while wrapped in a flannel.
"I'll get snacks. What do you guys want?" Leia asked. "Raisin Bran!" Scarlett said happily. Everyone agreed on Raisin Bran, and Leia went to go grab it. While she was getting the raisin bran, they group decided to explore the house. They made it up to Red and Kitty's room. Gwen and Scarlett went straight to the closet.
"More flannels!" Gwen said excitedly. Ozzie found a hat and said that it's his now and wore it. Leia found them upstairs.
"Hey is it cool that were up here?" Scarlett asked. "Yeah it's cool, it's summer, we should be able to do whatever we want!" Leia exclaimed.
"Wrong" Red said as he walked in. Everyone stood there shocked and didn't know what to do. He ended up kicking them out. Kitty handed them all cupcakes on their way out. Shortly after Scarlett got a call from Gwen.
"Hey Leia invited us back over for a movie night" Gwen said.
"Ooo yay, okay sounds good" Scarlett replied.
"And Scarlett, you know what you could do, flirt with Jay" Gwen said with a happy tone.
"Gwen you seriously think me out of all people could flirt with a single soul?" Scarlett said laughing.
"Oh come on, he looks at you with love eyes just like you do to him!" Gwen said. "I'm hanging up, i'll see you tonight." Scarlett said.

She hung up and thought. She decided she wanted to make a move on him, she was at least going to attempt to.
Time flew by and everyone was at Leias for movie night.
"Welcome to movie night, it's gonna be pretty major, so to kick things off right, I got everyone their own box of Raisin Bran!" She chanted Raisin Bran while tossing everyone a box. Everyone sat confused but appreciated it anyway.
"Oh you know who loves Raisin Bran, my cousin who did Brett-" Nikki said before getting cut off by Ozzie. "Do not" He spoke.
"So what are we watching?" Scarlett asked.
"Uh my favorite movie, Clerks, starring Kevin Smith, i'll take a slice of that" Leia spoke. Scarlett was sitting right next to Jay, and then Leia sat down on the other side of Scarlett next to her and Gwen. When the movie turned on it wasn't Clerks at all. It was Leo talking to MTV about why he should be on a show.
"What's this?" Jay asked.
"I don't know, it was supposed to be Clerks" Leia said in a sad tone. Leia turned the movie off.
"Uh forget movies, anybody got any funny stories to share?" Leia spoke. Right after she said that Nate started choking. Everyone panicked to try to get him something to drink, Nikki grabbed him a juice box for him to drink.
Soon after that Jay started choking. Scarlett panicked and started patting his back. Scarlett got a juice box for him to drink while putting her hand on his knee putting all her attention to him.
"Leia you should be an event planner, this is so fun" Nikki said sarcastically.
"I'm sorry! I really wanted this to be a perfect night, forget it" Leia sighed and walked off, Gwen going after her.
"Thank you for helping me, I appreciate it Scar" Jay spoke. Scar. She has never received a nickname ever before, and this made her stomach turn. Her face grew red and she didn't know what to say. The nickname gave her butterflies. Especially the way he said.
"Uh Scarlett?" Jay asked snapping his fingers in her face.
"Oh yeah sorry I just blanked out for a bit, but yeah no problem!" She said back. Leia then came in and suggested they smoked and watch Free Willy. Scarlett say right by Jay. They tested their heads together and watched the movie.
"I know it's not clerks but it's kind of cute right?" Leia said.
"It's like...i'm the boy, and Willys the rubber band, I get it now" Jay replied.
"Proud to know you understand JJ" Scarlett said. JJ. Jay started to smile at the nickname. He never admitted but he's always like Scarlett and never knew how to tell her. He loved the nickname and wish she would call him that all the time. His smile grew twice as big when he saw Scarlett leaning on his shoulder.
"Leia is Willy gonna make it?" Nate said worried. "Did E.T. make it?" Ozzie said. Everyone started cheering for Willy hoping he'd make it. When he made it everyone cheered. Scarlett jumped into Jays arms and swayed with him for a bit. When she realized what she did, she got off of him.
"I'm so sorry" she said.
"Don't be sorry come here" Jay answered. He then hugged her from behind as they cheered and smiled together.
They then looked at Ozzie who was clapping with a smile plastered on his face. "This never happened" he spoke once he saw everyone staring. Finally everyone had to go home.
"See you guys tomorrow!" Scarlett spoke as she started walking away.
"Hey, wait" she heard a voice say. She turned around to see Jay.
"Oh what's up?" she asked.
"Uhm I just wanted to say I had a great time tonight and maybe we should hang out sometime, but just us?" Jay said.
She couldn't believe what she just heard. She couldn't find words to say anything, so she leaned in and kissed him. He started kissing back. It's like their lips were made for each other. They moved in sync. They both smiled into the kiss.
"Does that answer your question?" Scarlett asked.
"I think I need to hear that again" Jay spoke. She then leaned in and they kissed once again.
"Alright I actually gotta go before my mom kills me, but yes let's hang out sometime, just let me know okay?" Scarlett said as she pulled away.
"Definitely, see you tomorrow Scar" Jay replied. "Good night JJ" Scarlett said.

Vaida Speaks
Omg, it happened, Scarlett finally got what she wanted. Her first kiss, was with her child hood crush. She didn't want it any other way!

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