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He had received the mission 16 hours ago. As it got closer to the time of departure, it was finally beginning to sink in what this op meant.

Grant Ward rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and thought about the mission details. He had been told to travel to the other side of the world and keep tabs on a company attempting to duplicate alien tech. He wasn't quite sure how long it would take, but he knew it would be a while. He had to go deep-undercover to gain trust, so that meant no contact with anyone he knew here except to give progress reports to the director through a very secure line.

Grant was used to this; he'd performed ops of this nature countless times. It's what came with being a specialist.

But this time there was one thing pulling at his heart, making him dread leaving. Or, rather, one person.


Skye, the orphan he and Coulson had found living in her van. The girl who challenged him in every possible aspect of his life since the day he met her. Usually in the past he had been able to draw clear lines with other female agents. But with Skye, he constantly found the lines blurring. Without realizing it, Grant had let her inch her way into the most secure parts of his heart. She consumed him, and her existence flowed through him like the blood in his veins.

But now, with this mission... He could be gone for a year, maybe more. She might move on, find someone who would be there for her in a way he couldn't. Hell, he would probably not even get to talk to her once during the whole time he would be away.

Grant shook his head, willing the thoughts to go away.

No, she would wait for him. He knew how she felt about him.

But feelings could change over the course of time...

Ward tossed the last of his things into the suitcase he was packing and zipped it shut. His watch said it was 3:28am, which meant he was leaving in about 45 minutes. He picked up a photo laying on his dresser. In it was his team... his family. Jemma had insisted on them taking a group photo so Grant could take a print with him, and he was glad she had. The gang had said their goodbyes and well-wishes yesterday evening. There had been lots of hugs and tears, and Skye had been by his side almost every waking minute.

At this thought, Grant glanced at his bed where Skye lay sleeping. Her long hair fell over her bare shoulders in perfect waves, the light coming in through the window from the moon giving her a heavenly glow. The sight made the specialist smile thoughtfully. She'd been by his side every sleeping minute too. Not that the two of them had done much sleeping...

Yes, it was moments with Skye he would miss the most. It had taken so much for both of them to come together and build the trust they had now established. Grant felt a pulling at his chest as he watched her sleep. He wished with all his might that he didn't have to leave... That he could just fall asleep next to her and forget about everything.

But he couldn't.

Double-checking to make sure he had packed everything, Grant sat on a chair across the room with a notebook and pen. He couldn't just leave her without anything from him, so he began to write. He had no idea wen the last time was that he'd written someone a letter, but it was a personal touch and it seem appropriate.

When Grant finished, he got up and put the notebook on the bedside table where Skye would see it. He then reached behind his neck to unclasp the dog-tag necklace he always wore and placed it beside the book.

He lingered, gazing at Skye who was sleeping so peacefully.

Would she cry?

Would she be angry?

He wouldn't blame her either.

It was time for Grant to leave, so he bent down and planted a soft kiss on his girlfriend's forehead.

"Goodbye, Skye," he whispered.

Then he gathered his things, took one last longing look at the sleeping brunette, and left.

The open window in the room let in a comfortable breeze, and it fluttered the lined paper of the notebook. The full moon cast its solemn glow onto the pages, making the words more visible.

Dear Skye,

I couldn't go without leaving you with something of mine, and I still have some things I want to say. I didn't want to wake you, so I figured I'd write it instead.

I really don't want to leave. I want nothing more than to stay here with you... Build our relationship together. You've managed to slip into every one of my thoughts and dreams. You managed to break down those walls I had built so carefully over the years, and I thank you for that. You showed me to look at life differently. Not a day will go by where I won't be thinking of you. It may seem like a long time until you see me again, but I promise I'll come back to you. Stay strong Skye. You are a light to this world and to me, and I know you'll accomplish great things.

I'll miss you more than you'll ever know.

I love you.


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