Green is confusing

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I knocked on the door but didn't wait for an answer before barging in.

"Hello beautiful miss me?" I asked walking in. The hospital room was quite small. It had a bed, some machines I've never seen before. A few dressers on either side of the bed doubling as night stands. Their was some dessert flowers in a jar on a dresser and the walls were metal, not your typical hospital room. Then again Spargus isn't your typical city.

"Jackie?" Christa asked from the bed she slowly sat up. She was still bandaged up and looked like shit quite frankly.

"Hey girly, how ya feeling?" I asked sitting on the floor at the side of her bed.

"I've been better, but how is it you don't have so much as a scratch on you?" She asked looking me over.

"I've got powers remember?" I said wiggling my fingers at her.

"And super regeneration is one of them? Thats fucking awesome! I wish I had that power right about now." She said then sighed.

" let me see your wounds." I said interested on seeing how I would look without my green healing powers.

"Um okay but be careful, this shit still hurts." She agreed hesitantly. I slowly and very carefully peeled back the bandages around her wrists. I felt a cold chill go down my spin. It was the chill you got when you saw something and just knew it had to hurt.

Her skin was red and had scabs all over the place. Some places were worse then others. As I looked over her wounds I felt something stir inside of me. Slowly I inched my hand towards her exposed injuries. I started to pant and my vision became green. My fingers lightly brushed against her arm and a green glow engulf my fingers.

"Holy shit! Is this part of your green powers too?" Christa asked me wide eyed looking down at my glowing fingers. The wounds started to heal at my touch. I continued to let my power wash over her in waves. I didn't need to see under her bandages to know she was being heal because I could feel it. I could feel or sense every wound on her body, the amount was over whelming. I had to control myself so I wouldn't just pump her full of green eco. Even if green eco is the safest eco to be around, it still can kill you if your around it too much. That is, if your not a sage or channeler.

"Shhhh..." I put my finger to my lips. "You might scare it away." I said in a whisper as I watched my fingers glow and memorized the feeling of using my green powers. It felt, minty in a way. It was a cool, but strong feeling that left the smell of mint in the air. Just like it did when I would breath green eco, strange. I focused on her wounds seeking out each one and healing it, retreating for a brief minute then going back and doing it again. It was slow progress, especially since she didn't heal as fast as I was able to.

It seemed like forever that I was standing their touching her untill I patched up the last of her wounds. Some of her skin was still raw but I numbed the pain to help her.

"Done!" I proclaimed happily before I staggered a bit. I wobbly got down onto my knees and rested my arms and head on top of them.

"Are you okay?" Christa asked worry thick in her voice. I nodded my head several times slowly. "Are you sure? You look drained!" She said.

"Yeah!" I snapped. I looked up and saw her sad face, it was the equivalent of the face a puppy gives you when you kick it." do you feel?" I asked.

"Oh, I feel amazing! Thank you so much! The medic said I was going to be in here for another week! Now I'll be able to go home possibly tomorrow!" She said rapidly un raping her bandages." Now I owe you double!"

Wastland Mayham (Jak 3 Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now