stupid people

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As the Yagis, Bakugous, Todorokis all look in shock as izuku is back

Katsuki: Why would you hurt your sister

Izuku:because you Izumi And the Peppermint bitch were an asshole to me and hurt me on purpose

Katsuki: We Weren't hurt you. We were protecting you

Izuku: Well it Seems you're still a complete fucking retard

All Might: Son they were trying to protect you for yourself. You were going to hear yourself

Izuku: Sorry that my dream was more than my safety

Shoto: Hey you can say that all you want by you were going to get yourself hurt. We had to step in.

Izuku: Well since we are doing Stupid shit I have I have a better idea, How would you like to suck my balls, Because it seems you're good at being A complete bitch to your Father and the Yagis

As Another Portal open Mina to see her old Sister walk out

Suki: Hey baby how is sexy man doing

Mina Is shocked to see her old sister Grabbing this boy in "that" Spot

A/N My boy should know what I'm talking about

Mina: Sis, get away from him. he will kill you

Suki: no don't tell me who I can be with if I want him then I can have him and as you know I can be very persuasive~

As they were arguing Use his Quirk. Little did everyone know his Quirk Evolve to help do his dream so now copy and Upgrade one Quirk. He Copies Nighteye Quirk and Upgrades creating The Enteral Sight.

A/N It the Almighty from bleach just 1/10000 weak

As he sees the hero and police nearby he talks to Suki

Izuku: Hey Do Everything I say tell Kurogiri to Teleport you and Everyone else to the base but I leave me here and tell the boys to activate code Ct-5555 gamma and Ct-1409 Alpha Ok

Suki: What will happen to you? Will I see you again?

Izuku: you will Ok now go Oh and grab a jar

As Izuku gets a jar tossed at him and the It happens


Nezu: Have no fear bac-

Everyone looks at Izuku Wide-eyed and pale

Izuku: Hi Heroes I will be with you in a min let's look at the tear jar, Yep It Full now you guys want to talk

Midnight: Izuku-kun why are dress like Zakhaev Terrorists, Oh God Please don't tell me you're him

Izuku: Sadly Every Story needs their Villian but I'm not your At less not yet right I have come back to Torment Izumi but that doesn't matter because

The Tense It could Kill a man

Izuku: I Surrender

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Everyone: Whaaaaat

Izuku: Yep I surrender. Take me Where you Take bad people

Nezu: I have a better Idea

TimeSkip brought Usopp being A dumbass

Izuku: I want to kill myself

Suki: I think you rock it

Vladimir I. Makarov Where stories live. Discover now