New Friends

878 8 1

8 and a half months later

Makarov Pov

After the Attack on the Airport as me, Viktor, and Anatoly were on a plane to Japan to link up with some "Friends" you can say I will be saying hi

4 day later

Aizawa pov

As I watch the entrance exam and they are boring as FUCK by I did get to see all might save so Brown hair girl named Urahara or was it Uraraka who knows Who gives a shit but know nezu she is most likely to be in my class her that stuck up bitch and her "boyfriend"
even though she sleeps with every guy under the fuck sun Jesus I wish Izuku was back I miss him so much he was the best.

3rd person pov

Kizuki goes to the chopper and opens the side door. But when he does, Makarov is inside. Makarov aims his pistol and shoots Kizuki and he falls on the snow. His men come out of the chopper and shoot the remaining two agents and Hanabata and one of them grabs Re-Destro. The other executes Hanabata and the agent that had been protecting them. Wounded, Chikazoku tries to get up, only to be executed by Makarov, as Re-Destro watches helplessly.

Makarov: You know who I am?

Re-Destro: Yes.

Makarov: Then you know what I want.

Re-Destro: No It's my group my Ancestors start it.

Makarov: I don't care about you or your Ancestor's shit idea I care about worth and you not being much of worth to me, Re-Destro.

Makarov's men take Re-Destro into the chopper and also look for the girl. Re-Destro attempts to grab a pistol next to Hanabata's dead body. But before he could aim it, Makarov sees Re-Destro, draws his pistol, and executes him. Various helicopters are shown flying as Re-Destro lies dead, And As Makarov walks away, He sees a girl with Purple skin and horns hiding in the bush

Makarov's Soldier: And what of the girl, sir

Makarov: what fucking Gi-

And It was at that moment Makarov found some he never had, Love. And then The girl grabs the Soldier's gunshot the soldier in the head and points the gun at Makarov.

Makarov: *Calm* Please put the gun down we will not hear you, I promise to watch.

As Makarov put his gun down and slowly watch over her, As she put down the gun Makarov grab her hand and glide her into the car

Makarov: Tell me what is your name

???: Suki Ashido

Makarov: Well let's you home

As both of them drive to Suki lay her head on Makarov's shoulder

Makarov: So tell me what you're Quirk

Suki: Succubus, allows me to control my hormones, and when people look at me they get Attracted to me

Makarov: So because you can turn men into horn dogs if you want, Tell me can you turn it off

As she nods and she turns off her Quirk she look just as beautiful

Makarov: Wow... You look every more beautiful than with your Quirk on.

Suki:*Seductive* Well you could always come and take a bite

Vladimir I. Makarov Where stories live. Discover now