Chapter 8 - Meeting New Friends

Start from the beginning

O'Neill calls out to Randall. "How's the leg?"

"Not bad, Colonel. The splint goes from the foot up to mid-thigh. It's pretty tight. I don't think I'm putting any weight on the break. Won't be a problem until I have to take a ..." he sees Captain Carter move to stand next to the colonel "...uh go to the bathroom."

O'Neill laughs before responding. "Okay. Looks like we've got a long walk ahead of us. You'll be riding the whole way though."

"Hey, Sam," Daniel's voice comes over the radio.

Carter replies. "Yes, Daniel?"

"We're a little over halfway to the other column. I'll have to get closer before I can make out the numbers."

"I understand. We'll stay here until we hear from you."

Two minutes later Dr. Jackson reports in.

"Hey, Sam, Jack?"

O'Neill motions for Carter to answer, which she does. "Go ahead, Daniel."

"The numbers check out, this is the right direction to go."

"Great. Can you wave your light so we'll be sure to go in the right direction?"

Through the dark a barely visible light swings back and forth.

O'Neill reaches into a pocket and pulls out a small compass. He takes a quick reading on Dr. Jackson's light.

"Got it." He talks into his radio. "Okay, Daniel, we see it. Hold tight. We'll be there in a few minutes."

"We'll be here. Jackson out."

O'Neill speaks to his two officers. "Let's get a move on. Maybe we've lost them, but I don't want to take any chances."

O'Neill, Bundy, and Carter climb down. The rest of the team waits for them at the base of the ladder.

"We'll go as a group, no stragglers–"

Before he can complete his sentence a gust of wind swirls around the base of the column, showering the team with dust. O'Neill spits the dust out before continuing.

"Where was I? Let's see, no stragglers. Martinez, you have one of the NVGs? Ok, you go first. Here."

O'Neill hands Martinez the compass and gives him the heading to use.

"The rest will follow. Bundy, take the other NVG, bring up the rear. Watkins, you get first pull on the cart. Be alert, use the flashlights sparingly, try to save the batteries. We don't know how long we'll be down here." He pauses long enough for the team to assemble. "Okay, head 'em out."

Martinez leads the team into the increasing darkness. Before they leave the circle of light Bundy calls out.

"Colonel, I think we may have a slight problem."

"What is it?"

Bundy shines his light at the ground, highlighting a very clear set of tracks.

"The ground's pretty soft, and with the wind blowing the way it is it will probably cover up our footprints. But Randall's cart leaves deep ruts. They might last long enough for the Federation to find. And if they do they'll be able to catch up to us real quick."

O'Neill shines his light on the tracks. "Oh hell, you're right. What do you suggest?"

"Not sure, we need something to wipe out the ruts."

Martinez has walked back to see why the group has halted. He listens to what the two officers are saying. Looking up he scans the surrounding area with the night vision goggles. A dozen meters away lies a stand of long dead bushes.

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