Chapter 7 - Welcome to Hell

Start from the beginning

Concerned that the Federation might punch a hole between him and the rest of the team he runs even faster. Thirty meters ahead he sees half a dozen pipes running vertically from ceiling to floor, partially blocking the way. He can also see Bundy kneeling just past the pipes, holding one hand close to the floor.

As he nears the pipes Bundy whispers out a warning. "Careful, Colonel, watch your step." O'Neill slows and looks at the captain's hand, held just a few inches above the floor. A thin, barely visible wire stretches across the opening. His eyes follow the wire to the right where it has been wrapped around one of the pipes. The wire disappears to the left into a small mound of debris. "An armed claymore mine, good idea." He carefully steps over.

Bundy stands. "Carter thought it might help slow them down. She should've found stairs by now."

The sound of bullets striking the walls and nearby pipes interrupts any further discussion. The two men drop to the floor and roll to the sides. They return fire, shooting low and being sure to cover both sides of the corridor. A few more bullets come their way, some striking the emergency light near the pipes. There is no explosion or shower of sparks, it just goes out, throwing that part of the corridor into darkness. The absence of light hides the tripwire.

They stay on the floor another minute, hoping to give the team more time to find a way down. More bullets strike the pipes.

"They are starting to tick me off," O'Neill snarls.

"Starting? I'd say they're way past that point by now."

Bundy rolls over as does O'Neill and fires a short burst before rising. Staying low the two men fire a few more bursts then turn and run down the corridor. Fifteen meters ahead they see Lorenzo waving at them. They fire another burst back along the corridor, aiming down the center.

Lorenzo stands next to a slightly open door.

"Over here. Captain Carter said she'd go down two floors, then start searching for a major stairwell."

O'Neill sees another vertical stand of pipes twenty feet down the hall. He aims at the nearest light and fires. The corridor goes dark.  He repeats his action for the emergency light further down the corridor.

A surprised Lorenzo asks, "what was that for?"

Bundy answers for the colonel, "to make them think twice."

They step through the doorway and Lorenzo gently closes the door behind them.

"You doing okay, Tony?" Bundy whispers.

"Yes, Sir. Just had the wind knocked out of me."

Lorenzo turns and carefully walks down the stairs. O'Neill and Bundy follow, trying to be as quiet as possible. Even so, it seems as if their steps echo up and down the stairwell.


For five minutes O'Neill and Bundy jog after Lorenzo, down stairs and along corridors, twisting and turning to throw off any pursuit. Along the way Captain Carter had left small signs to show the way. It might be a small object or a mark left on the wall, something that someone under normal circumstances would overlook. However, the sharp eyes of Lorenzo always spotted them. As they passed the spot, he would pick up the object or gently rub out the mark to be sure no one could follow. It was during this time they felt rather than heard a muffled explosion.

"What the hell was that?" Lorenzo had exclaimed.

"Claymore more than likely." Bundy chuckles. "If they weren't pissed off before, I bet they are now."

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