Chapter 1

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The door swung open, and in he walked. He just went to his seat, sat down, and pretended he wasn't half an hour late.

This disgusted Poe.

But what disgusted him more was that the teacher just smiled at him like always, and didn't even mention to him how late he was.

In fact, the teacher never did anything a normal teacher would do at all.

"Alright, children. Today, we start a new story."

The teacher walked to the middle of the front of the room and faced the class. He smiled and looked at Poe.

"I think you'll like this one, Mr. Poe," the teacher said.

A few students looked back at Poe and laughed to themselves.

Poe glared at the teacher.

"Alright, fine. Don't believe me. That'll make it all the better when I turn out to be right."

After giving out the books, the teacher walked over to Poe.

"Suit your fancy?" The teacher asked.

Poe read the back of the book.

"It sounds rather boring."

"Aw come on. Give it a chance, I know you'll like it."

"Alright," Poe said, wanting the other kids in his class to stop whispering to their friends about him. It was annoying.

If only Breanna hadn't made such a fuss over her cat.



Lucy huffed. Could this guy stop talking about how loaded he was for once in his life?

She lazily threw her potato at him.

"Hey, what was that for?!" He asked her.

Her classmates started staring at her and she looked over at them in a bored manner.

"You wouldn't shut up about your money, so I threw my potato at you."

"You're lucky you didn't ruin my school attire! This costs more than what your parents could make in a decade!"

Lucy was surprised he'd say that.

He suddenly realized what he'd said and remembered Lucy didn't have parents. They'd died when she was little, so she lived in an orphanage now.

"I'm s-sorry," he said, trying to apologize quickly.

Lucy stood up, walked over to him, and closed her eyes gently. Then, she punched him in the face out of nowhere.

He fell backwards off of his chair and hit the floor.

"There, that's better," Lucy mumbled.


"Come on, please! If you don't sell it to me now, I'll have to wait forever!"

Margaret had three minutes to get back to school, and she wanted to buy it now.

If she did, she could start working on her next dress for theater, after all.

"I can't, I'm sorry."

"But why not?!"

"Someone else paid in advance."

Margaret crossed her arms and turned around angrily.

"I assume I'll just have to spend my three thousand dollars somewhere else then."

Suddenly, the lady repeated back the amount of money in a small stutter.

"Why yes. I know the product is only worth two, but I was willing to pay three for it. Too bad now though."

The lady handed Margaret the fabric in a hurry and told her she could buy it. Margaret paid in full and left, putting it in her bag outside and rushing back to school to make it to math.


"I told you, I can't do your homework Howard. I don't know how."


"I know you want to sleep, but I have my own stuff to do. Besides, I don't even know how to read the directions! They're all in Chinese!"


"I'm not a fool!"

"Howard, Nathaniel! If you two don't be quiet it will be you winding up in detention later! Do I make myself clear?"


"Yes, Ms. Barchuckle."


"Ms. Louisa, please read to us!"

"Alright, alright. Gather around please, children."

Louisa sat down while the small group of children sat around her in a circle.

Louisa loved her job. She worked at an orphanage, which was how she'd met Lucy. This is also where Lucy lived.

For the first few days, the children distrusted her due to things they'd been through in their short lives. But after talking with Lucy and becoming friends, the children had began to treat her as a friend.

"Once upon a time...." Louisa began.

Author's Note:
This~ was~ short~

Also, Idk why I wrote this.

WC: 705

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