
"or you can keep on ignoring him and have that nagging feeling inside of you repeating that you will never be able to fill that empty hole of something missing."

"I don't need a dad. And I will not give him another chance. You don't know how it felt. Waiting every year thinking ' he will come back.' or ' maybe this year he will send a card!' but he never did Sara!

He doesn't care about me! He never did and never will. I can fill that "hole" or whatever you call it all by myself! I have done everything else by myself, so why the FUCK wouldn't I be able to do this?"

"Jacob, I understand that it has been hard. But trying to fix it yourself won't work. You need to hear it from your dad. That he is sorry. And you have to forgive him. Only then, may you recover fully."

"for the last time. He is not my dad! He's just some random grown-ass man who shows up years later just to make people think he's sorry. But guess what!?"


"he can't fool me! And even if he was sorry, which I strongly doubt he is. I will never forgive him. No matter what he does. I will not forget how he made me feel and how fucking pathetic I felt."

It became silent in the scrub. So quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Are we done?" I asked. She didn't respond.

"so that's what you want," I said. She wasn't making eye contact with me anymore.

I opened the door and was just about to walk out when I heard her speak again.

"just... Give it a shot. You might not regret it."

I didn't say anything and just left silently.

'I need some fresh air.' I thought.

I walked down the stairs again and out the front door. I took a deep breath and everything already felt much better. It's cold outside and I didn't bring a jacket but that's my smallest concern right now.

I walk over and sit down on a bench under a big tree. I close my eyes and all the thoughts came over me.

My dad? What even happened to him? Where has he been all these years and how did he find me?

Does he have another family? That's maybe why He left us. Or maybe he just didn't want me. So why now all of a sudden? Something just doesn't line up with this whole situation.

As I was thinking through all this stuff  Eric came and sat down next to me. He said nothing but him being near was all I needed as comfort. I didn't deserve it though. He doesn't know that I will be leaving him.

We sat in silence for a while just staring at nothing. But then he spoke.

"Jacob, I know about... You know.." of course,  he's probably going to be super mad at me.


"Are you ok?" wait what?

"wait, aren't you mad at me? I mean, I will be leaving the orphanage and we may never meet each other ever again!" I placed my head in my palms feeling warm tears form in my eyes.

" I know it's not your fault. I'm sad that you will be leaving but there is nothing you can do about it."

I sat up straight and looked at Eric who looked back at me. He smiled and brought me into a hug. At first, I was a bit taken aback but after just a few seconds, I hugged him too. And I won't lie, if felt nice.

We sat like that for a couple of minutes until I saw something. Or more like someone.

We made eye contact and I looked away immediately in an attempt to hide my face.

He stood there for a minute looking my way. But after a while, he went into the orphanage. I brought my head up when I knew he couldn't see me.

Eric was giving me a weird look which I just ignored. I could only think of one thing right now.

Who was that man and why did he look like me?

Was that... My dad.?

Hello friends!

Hope your all doing well. I'm personally doing great! Here's finally a new chapter.

Sorry that the updates have been so slow but I'm trying to get them out as fast as possible!

Btw, remember to eat and drink something. It's important to take care of your body <3333

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