Call It Something New

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------ Hey there! Glad you decided to click on my story. ^_^ This is my second attempt to write a story on WattPad but now I actually had a computer to type on and not my ipod. But any who’s, I hope you like it, Fan? Vote? Comment? Which ever you think it deserves :)    - <3 AL3xR4iN3D03  -----:::::


 "Lila we have to talk."  

If these words are coming out of my mom’s mouth, then I’m  screwed. The 

last time I heard these words, was when I was 9 and my dad died of brain cancer. Ever since then my mom has been working non-stop and only talked me if it was really 


"I can’t right now, I just got home from school, I need to do... homework." 

"Lila we both know that's a lie and this cant wait. Lila, you've been failing your classes, skipping school, and hanging out with god knows who. I can’t handle this anymore . I’m sending you to go live with Aunt Sarah."

 “Aunt Sarah's?”  She lives 2 and a half hours away from here, and shes barely even there, most of the time. She’s usually is out partying.

"Why are you doing this to me??’ 

"Stop being dramatic, you have 2 days to pack. But here’s the deal , if and only if, you get good grades, no skipping school and stay out of trouble, you can come back."

        "Can I come up during the weekends?" 

She hesitated. “Of course, you can come see me and you other friends, and maybe you’ll make new friends, at your new school, so you won’t want to come over the week end. Better start packing.” 


Hia there, let me explain who I am. My name is Lila Grace Miners. I’m in my senior year in High School, 18 years old.  I have 5 close friends. 

Jake Luxus: He’s a drummer. He’s nineteen, high school drop out. Although he can party, he’s like a big brother that looks after me. He’s 6 foot 2 inches-ish, with brown hair that comes over his eyes.

Next is Noah Levii: He plays the guitar, and a major flirt. He’s like my younger brother, more of a bad influence. He’s 18, same grade. He usually spikes up his black, short hair.    

Then there’s Felix Vincent. He’s an amazing artist and he’s 16. He used to be picked on but when I found out out his amazing talent, I make sure no one touches him. He has blonde curly-ish hair.

August Godric: We call him Godric because he’s our go to guy, when we need some talking. He’s 24, and inherited a bar that he has had for about 1 year ago. He’s a ginger, not a bright orange but enough to say he’s a ginger.  

Last, but never the least, Ryder Bluee. He plays bass, and a good guy that is a health nut. Meaning he lifts weight like every day. He’s the “bad boy” in our group. so he has black hair, that comes into his eyes, a little bit.

If you haven’t figured out yet, we’re in a band together. Well besides Felix and Godric, they help out though. We haven’t found the permanent name for the band but for now, it’s called Blue at Midnight. We play a rage of post-hard core to alternative songs, we also cover of a few songs.

Shall we get a little physical? 

I’m 5 foot, 7 inches. I sing and play the piano and other various instruments. I have dark brown hair, that goes pass my chest and also it’s layered with side-swept bangs. My hair is naturally wavy, but I usually do something with it in the morning.

My eyes are crazy when it comes to color. They’re either light blue or green and on weird days, they turn grey. Usually I have skinny jeans on with a random shirt on, and my favorite, green high-top converse.

This band is my life. Nothing is more important. That’s why I’m failing school. That’s why I’m in this situation. Wanna see how it ends? Just stick around and you will...

 - If there’s any mistakes can you tell me? <3 AL3xR4iN3D03 p.s. I know it’s not much but it’s what I can do

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2013 ⏰

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